This Week at WLE – September 11, 2016

Posted: September 11, 2016


  • Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at 2.52.35 PMOn September 24th, there will be a concert & fundraiser at the Langley Event Center, supporting the creation of a Youth Homelessness Shelter in Langley. There will be concerts, interactive booths, and more. West Langley will have a team of students and staff in attendance, and we encourage families to come out and join in supporting a worthy cause. There are also sponsorship opportunities for your business. We understand that some of you parents have already raised significant contributions for the cause. Thank you! Click the poster for more details.
    • Accidents happen. There is available optional accident insurance for kids through KidsPlus. Premiums are reasonable ($33.50 per kid per year, with volume discounts for large families) and coverage is good 24/7.


  • Entertainment Books are coming! Check out some of the great participating businesses. Students who sell books are eligible for neat prizes, and all sales support the efforts of our fantastic PAC.
  • September 20th is our annual Meet the Teacher/Community BBQ in support of the Grade 7 camp experience. Watch this space for details!
  • FORCE are presenting another ‘In the Know’ session for parents of adolescents, with substance use as the topic. Details can be found here.
  • If you are considering applying to a Choice Program in the Langley School District (French Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at 2.28.53 PMImmersion of Fine Arts for example), the policies around those programs have changed. These documents explain those changes.
  • Kindergarten parents, did you know you can get free eye exams and eyeglasses for your kids? Click the poster at right and this document for details.
  • The Minister of Education asked that I share this letter with you.

PAC Happenings

  • PAC Meeting dates are planned for the school year. Mark these on your calendar and join us, please. September 27, October 25, November 22, January 24, February 21, April 25, May 23, June 20.

  • Welcome back to the first full week of school. The PAC is excited for a new school year and September is always a busy month as we get things started.

    On Wednesday we will have our Entertainment Book assembly and all students will be getting a book to bring home to show and sell. These fabulous coupon books and mobile app are only $30 again this year. One of the latest and greatest additions to the little money saver is The Olive Garden Restaurant.

    A couple of notices will also be coming home with your child this week.

    1. Room Parent Volunteer Form – The PAC is looking for 2 parents in each classroom to help out on hot lunch days, maintain communication with parents and the classroom teacher on PAC happenings and occasionally help with other duties that the PAC does to support each classroom. If you are interested in being a room parent, please fill out the form and hand it in by the end of the week.

    2. Treat Day Notice – Our first treat day this year will be Kernels POPCORN. This order will be done in paper form and will also be coming home later this week.

    If you want to stay informed with what the PAC is up to, check out our Facebook page, West Langley PAC, for all the important details.

Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

Calendar of Events


  • WE Day meeting at lunch



  • Entertainment Book Assembly


  • Fire Drill (morning)


Beyond a bit…

  • Tuesday 20th – Individual student photos, Meet the Teacher/CommunityBBQ
  • Saturday 24th – Fundraising Concert at LEC.

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556