This Week at WLE – May 26, 2019

Posted: May 26, 2019


  • The Walnut Grove area track meet is Monday. Students competing should meet at the front of the school right after attendance to walk up to the track at the high school. Any competing students can borrow a school jersey or wear their own WLE gear (which is probably the more comfortable choice). Students are either being dropped by parents at the meet at WGSS, or are meeting at WLE and walking up after morning attendance. Grade 6 boys’ high jump, Grade 6 girls long jump, and all 1500m runners start early, so they should either be at WGSS for 8:00 or meet Mr. Oliver at 7:30 at WLE.
  • This week is bike to school week, presented by HUB Cycling and supported by the PAC. Ride your bike to school and check in each day on the front porch to count your ride and enter in a prize draw. Other active commutes will be counted as well, so scooters, skateboards and walking all count, too. Cars, not so much.
  • There is only one more week to go in the The Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive! Drop off clean, useable clothing donations at the school before May 31 for pickup by the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society, the Local 3253 Langley City Professional Firefighters Association and the Langley School District Foundation. Please note that this one is a straight clothing drive, not household items.
  • Click here for more details about the Fraser Valley Regional Library’s Summer Reading Club.
  • Maybe you know this, and maybe you don’t, but Langley Secondary School is being replaced next year, and 2019 is the 110th anniversary of LSS (formerly Langley High School). On June 8 there will be an anniversary event/farewell to the old building, and everyone will be invited. Here’s some information about it.


PAC Information

It is time for…THE PAC 2019-20 NOMINATION

As the school year of 2018/19 comes to a close and we gleefully look forward to the summer months of watermelon and sprinklers – we have an important task that must be completed.  This task will make the transition into the next school year smooth and relaxed.

Our PAC meets a few times a year (not quite once a month during school months) to organize fundraising events to support our school.  The PAC works closely with the principal, teachers and staff at WLE to ensure they have the tools to give our children the best education possible. Each position is set up to be mindful that families are busy – however please be aware that each job does have a time/effort commitment.

We are seeking nominations for parents that are interested in executive positions for the 2019-20 West Langley Elementary Parent Advisory Council.

The group of executive roles are leadership positions that must be filled (in order to be considered complete and receive the beautiful $5000 Gaming Grant cheque) include:


The president is our leader – delegating tasks and ensuring each executive member completes their role – within the code of conduct.  They are an approved signor for cheques and review all monthly reports completed by the treasurer. The president is a PAC contact person for families, if concerns arise.

Vice President

Our fearless leader’s right hand wo/man!  The VP assists the president in organizing tasks and working with other members with fundraising, organizing events and taking some of the load off of the president. VP may be required to cover for the President in the event of an illness or emergency and can be a signor as well.


Records all minutes from the PAC meetings and has them typed and ready to be reviewed for the next meeting. The secretary helps ensure criminal records checks are up to date and may help with other email and related correspondence.


Ensures all funds coming into the PAC from fundraising and donations are accounted for.  They take a lead role in helping prepare a budget for parents to approve. The treasurer writes cheques for approved events and fundraising costs as well as deposits monies into the bank after a fundraiser.

DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council)

This person is a member of the PAC that attends the district PAC meetings in addition to the regular West Langley PAC meetings.  This member reports back to the school what the district has in the agenda and may help share updates about events.


Up to three people can be ‘members-at-large’, who have voting abilities within the executive. They don’t have specific roles and can volunteer when there are gaps in parent participation.  These members can help to ensure that there are enough executive members at a meeting to make official quorum, and can actively support decisions on behalf of the PAC in between meetings.

Notes about executive positions: each position has different time requirements and flexibility about when tasks are completed. There are a couple of extra meeting in addition that these individuals are invited to attend. If you are considering a position, our current members are happy to answer any questions you may have about a particular role. All incoming executive members are asked to complete a criminal record check (not cost to parent), acknowledge and sign a Standard of Conduct and Code of Ethics forms.

Additional Help

These additional positions that would be AMAZING if they were filled and would make our school just a little bit better. They  include:

Hot Lunch Committee

At least two parents that are willing to coordinate the hot lunch and snack day sales. Additional help for parents to help deliver food 1 to 2 times per month will be organized in the fall.  

Fundraising Committee

A handful of parents who are willing to plan and delegate fundraising efforts!  There is money out there for us! We just have to ask for it!

Grant Committee

Parents who are willing to seek out grants and write up grant proposals!  There is money out there for us! We just need to find it!

Social Committee

There is fun to be had! We would love to have a handful of parents who are willing to run social events at our school!  We just have to plan it!

Please forward nominations (including self-nominations) with a sentence or two of why you think this person would be incredible to represent our school to:

Nicole Walby –

Sunita Fordy –

Sarah Hatch –

Sam Welch –

Quote(s) of the Week

Whether at home, school, work, or the community…

Interesting Reading & Viewing

Calendar of Events

Monday May 27

  • Bike to School Week begins
  • WG regional track meet all day

Tuesday May 28

  • Ride your bike

Wednesday May 29

  • Ride your bike still.
  • All WG region school bands play for each other at WLE.

Thursday May 30

  • Ride your bike again.

Friday May 31

  • Keep riding your bike for the rest of the year; you’ve built a healthy new habit.
  • Parent/Family Appreciation Tea


  • June 2 – grade 7 camp departure – 8:15 am
  • June 5 – grade 7s return home all tired out.
  • June 11 – PAC Annual General Meeting
  • June 14 – Sports Day
  • June 19 – Grade 7 Farewell
  • June 27 – Last day for students. 12:00 dismissal.




West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556