This Week at WLE – April 14

Posted: April 9, 2020

COVID19 Information Bulletin 2020Apr9 Mental Health Counselling Support- COVID19 Anxiety and Stress Parent Guide for Supporting Learning – Elementary-Middle 2020Apr8 This Week at WLE April 14

Good evening,

I know many of you are receiving many emails not just from us at West Langley, but potentially others from multiple schools. To help manage the flow of information, one suggested strategy is to create a folder within your inbox for each child and move those information or learning emails into the folder which could assist in locating or keeping track of incoming information rather than having to search your general inbox.

Remember to reach out to us in person if you have questions and we can certainly help! The school office is open 8:00am – 3:00pm Monday-Friday.

There are several important attachments including our very own “This Week at WLE”. We hope you will help us with our TOP SECRET assignment sent out earlier this week. Be sure to check out the Student Corner and Parent Resources at the end of the bulletin.

We hope you have a positive and safe long weekend. Please remember to enforce strong hand washing protocols and practice physical (social) distancing.

Thank you to all of your who joined us for the Teacher Parade Wednesday and watch our twitter and instagram accounts for pictures! (Pictures will be posted Monday)

We miss you all. We are in this together and we are here for you.


West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556