Posted: June 9, 2019
- Sports Day is this Friday. Thanks to the grade 6 (soon to be 7) parents for organizing the pizza hot lunch and the concession for the day. Thanks to Ms. Edlund and Ms. Scholz who have taken on organization of the day itself. And thanks to the grade 7s who will be running the stations (surprise!). Watch for an information package to come home on Monday.
- Click here for more details about the Fraser Valley Regional Library’s Summer Reading Club.
- Here’s an upcoming opportunity that might interest some of you:

- Here’s a message from Kids in the Grove:
- Preschool & School Age CareSummer 2019 & September 2019Register Now!Spaces are filling up quickly!!
PAC Information
AGM Meeting is this Tuesday @ 6pm
Join us in the Learning Commons as we wrap up this year and look ahead to fall.
The meeting will include voting for 2019-20 Executive positions and conversations about ideas for next year. We look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Child minding is available at no charge 😊
Agenda can be found here.
Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- You know my thoughts on this. And I reiterate that I can see it in action when I walk in the forest or sit in the courtyard with a kid who might be struggling, or a class who are feeling extra-jumpy. The Healing Power of Gardens: Oliver Sacks on the Psychological and Physiological Consolations of Nature. I guess this one sort of dovetails with the quote I chose this week, also.
- This might be too many at once, but here are 25 Phrases to Inspire Confidence in Your Child. I’d add: ’26. This is difficult for me, and here is how I’m managing that.’
Calendar of Events
Don’t take this as a countdown, please (I don’t count down to sad days). We thought you might want more than a week’s worth of detail, though, as we approach the end of the year.
Monday June 10
Tuesday June 11
- PAC AGM – 6pm in the Learning Commons
Wednesday June 12
Thursday June 13
Friday June 14
- Sports Day – bikes, games, concession, and more.
Monday June 17
- Gym closes for Grade 7 Farewell decorating. Stage setup first thing.
Tuesday June 18
- Gym closed for Grade 7 Farewell decorating
Wednesday June 19
- Gym closed for Grade 7 Farewell decorating
- Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza
- Grade 7 Farewell
Thursday June 20
Friday June 21
- National Indigenous Peoples Day
- WGSS Grad Walk (time TBA)
Monday June 24
Tuesday June 25
- Beach (primary) and Pool (Intermediate – to grade 6) Field Trips all day
Wednesday June 26
- Grade 7s to Cultus Lake Waterpark
Thursday June 27
- Last Day for students.
- Report Cards Published
- End of year assembly
- Students dismissed at 11:50
Friday June 28
- Administrative Day – Students do not attend
- September 3, 2019 – First Day of School