

To support many of the PAC initiatives, we raise funds through organizing events, hosting fundraising sales, and offering monthly hot lunch orders.

Hot Lunch Orders

Order online through!

Click here for a short video tutorial on how to register for Munch a Lunch.

Ordering is open 3 times per year, usually: Fall (Sept/Oct), Winter (Jan), and Spring (March/April)


All money raised at events and sales hosted by the PAC will support an approved Budget & Spending Plan that is voted on by parents. Information is shared during the year through several communication channels:

  • Monthly newsletters
  • Facebook posts
  • “What’s Happening at West Langley…” Emails
  • Executive and Committee reports are shared at General PAC Meetings

We encourage families to participate in fundraising sales and attend events as they are able.

Participation in sales in always optional, and we are grateful for your support. For inclusion, Hot lunch sales and events will have provisions for families that cannot otherwise afford to participate. Please speak with the school Administrative Assistant for help with this (no personal information is shared to the PAC).

Please see below for our current fundraisers:

– Flip Give (which gives a percentage back to the PAC with participating online purchases, at no added cost).

– Mabel’s Labels

Click West Langley Elementary PAC

Bottle Depot – Return It Express Program

Use 555-666-7777 as the “phone number” and money goes to WLE PAC

Mention West Langley Elementary at the following to give WLE PAC 5% of your purchase:

Cobs Bread Walnut Grove

Jimy Mac’s Liquor Store

Langley Liquor Warehouse

Maple Ridge Liquor Store

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556