TWAWLE – April 29, 2018

Posted: April 29, 2018


  • Please read this letter regarding critical incidents in school from Superintendent Gord Stewart. It contains an important joint message from the school district and the RCMP.
  • If you are a car person like I am, you might enjoy the DW Poppy Secondary Car Show next Sunday. Lots of cool rides from Langley and beyond are there, plus food, and it supports a good cause.
  • On Saturday, May 26, the WGSS Leos Club are hosting a Music Festival to support the Centre for Child Development in Langley. Great cause.
  • On May 29, thanks to the support of the PAC, the grade 6  & 7 students of WLE will be attending an internet safety presentation by the White Hatter at Gordon Greenwood Elementary. His presentations are outstanding. More exciting is the fact that there will be a parent presentation that same evening, also at Gordon Greenwood Elementary from 6:30-8:30. Mark your calendar, and go early as seating will be limited to 550 people, and there are 4 schools participating. The host schools are requesting that only one parent per family attend, so that the greatest possible number of families can be reached. Specifics for the student field trip are still to come.
  • This Thursday night is a seminar for parents at Yorkson Creek Middle School on Raising Digitally Responsible Youth. Click the banner for details. It is free, but requires an RSVP.
  • On the same night, the White Hatter is also presenting at WGSS. If you have teens, and if you can’t make the May 29th White Hatter presentation at Gordon Greenwood, you might want to go to this one. Click for a poster full of details, including topics addressed. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the topics will match the May 29th session or not.
  • The Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive is on now. Bring donations of good, clean used clothing to the school office all month. This program supports the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society healthy snack program. Click the picture at left for bigger and more details!
  • Summer Session 2018 details have been announced and registration is underway. Sessions are available for students at all levels. Click here for the Elementary brochure, and here for the Middle/Secondary. Elementary classes are filling fast; in fact, some are full already. If you are thinking about registering, please do so right away.

 PAC Happenings


Thank you to all that attending the planning meeting this week. If you can help during the event itself, the sign up sheet for the carnival is here

Please sign up for a time slot to help, and encourage your friends to help us out too. Blue slots need to be filled by adults only (sorry kids, you’re not old enough to barbeque!). The yellow slots can be adults or grade 6/7 kids.


Keep an eye out for information coming home this week! The executive is a small group of parent volunteers that hold “jobs” for a one year term. This includes President, Vice President, a District Rep that attends the Langley meetings once a month, Treasurer, and Secretary.


Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Presentation

Tuesday, May 22 @ 6 (first 30 minutes of the PAC meeting)

Gail Markin, a Langley School District Counsellor will be leading the presentation and answering your questions.

PAC Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, May 22, 6 – 7:15

Following the presentation, our annual meeting will be held.

The agenda includes a vote to update our constitution, and to elect executive positions for the 2018-19 year.

Spring Carnival

Friday, May 25th, 5-8 pm

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • At WLE, we are developing a writing goal in our Action Plan for Learning. We’re realizing how complicated the process of even defining such a goal is. Is it the motor skill of holding the pencil or typing? Spelling? Grammar? Ideas? Fluent expression? It is, of course, all of these, depending on the child. This article does a nice job of distilling out 6 key skills that lie at the meaning-end of that list. This one deals with some of the challenges at the mechanical end.
  • When you tell the kids, ‘go play outside’ and they tell you they don’t know what to do…. Try these.

Calendar of Events


  • Track Practice – Long Jump for grade 67


  • Track Practice – running events – before school – 8:00


  • Track practice – running events after school
  • Grade 7 Parents’ Meeting re: Camp – 6pm in the library


  • Track Practice – Long Jump Gr 45 after school


  • Pro-D Day – Students do not attend


  • May 8 – IDEA Summit
  • May 15 – Carnival Planning Meeting (parents) 6pm
  • May 25 – Family Spring Carnival
  • May 28 – Track Meet (It’s a Monday this year)
  • May 29 – White Hatter student (daytime) and parent presentation (6;30-8:30 @Gordon Greenwood)
  • May TBA – Terry Fox Run

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556