Posted: November 27, 2016
- West Langley Elementary are once again happy to be supporting two young families through the Langley Christmas Bureau, but donations are coming very slowly compared to previous years. Please consider dropping off donations of food or gifts at the office anytime. For full details, check here. We are supporting two single moms, one with a single child, and one with two, and they need our help.
- Our Christmas Concert for 2016 will be on December 7, with shows at 1:00 and 6:30. If you are able to attend the afternoon show, please do, as the evening one can get a bit on the busy side. We will be asking for a few parent volunteers to help set up staging and lights on Monday December 5th, right after the starting bell. If you are able, please email Mr. Oliver to RSVP. Last year, we were donethe setup in about half an hour.
- This is the last week for the Kids Helping Kids clothing drive in Langley. Bring those donations of clean, used clothing in to the office (not the red box out front) to help us help the Langley Firefighters’ Charitable Association and our community (and cut the clutter at home, too)!
- WLE is a point of sale for the 2017 Township of Langley Firefighters’ Calendar. We now have have the TOL Firefighters Calendar available in the office at $20 per copy.
PAC Happenings
West Langley Winter Spirit Wear
Samples of the West Langley Winter Spirit Wear are available to see and try on in the office. The LIONS have a brand new logo and we want you to show off your LIONS Pride while keeping warm. Check out the different style and color Scarves, Beanies, neck warmers we have to offer. Don’t forget to order your West Langley drawstring cinch bag for your gym strip!
How will you show off your school spirit???
Orders are due in by December 1st. No late orders will be accepted. Orders will arrive before Christmas Break.
Click here for the WLE_Winter Swag order form. Pictures of the products available are on the form.
Neufeld Order Pick Ups
Friday December 2nd at 2:30pm, all Neufeld and Dessertco orders must be picked up. Please make sure you arrive on time as we do not have a freezer to store orders that aren’t picked up.
Cobs Bread Raise Some Dough
Bread, scones, cinnamon buns, croissants and more. Pick up your fresh baked goods at Cobs in Walnut Grove and help support West Langley Elementary. Mention our school while paying and a percentage of your order comes back to us. Make sure you tell all your friends and family about this easy way help “Raise Some Dough”.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- We all know that ‘brains’ aren’t the only key to success. Here are 8 factors more important than IQ in predicting success.
- Over the last two years, I’ve sent out a lot of pieces about homework and its ‘challenges.’ Here’s a piece that talks about rethinking the concept completely, rather than just throwing it out.
- I found this one about how often young people (and perhaps adults) believe ‘fake’ news they read online. This article addresses the phenomenon and ways to combat it. I, of course, am believing it because 1) it is in the Wall St. Journal, and 2) the study it references was done at Stanford, and 3) I could follow the link to the summary of the original study, and it was on Stanford’s website.
Calendar of Events
- Early Dismissal – Collaboration – Students dismissed at 1:15
- WLE Winter Spirit Wear orders due. No lates accepted.
- Dessertco & Neufelds order pickup at the PAC Room.
- Movie Afternoon – Finding Dory – 2:45-4:30. Admission $2 to support Grade 7 Camp. Snacks also available for sale.
Beyond a bit…
December 7 – Christmas Concert 1:00 and 6:30
December 9 – Report Cards go home
December 12-16 – Spirit Week
December 16 – Last day of school before holidays