Posted: May 15, 2016
This Wednesday and Thursday are our Inquiry Fair. Students will be sharing their progress or projects with each other, with families, and with visitors. This invitation came home last week by email.
The detailed school calendar for next year is available here.
At the end of May, we will be participating in Bike to School Week. Get your ride shined up, your helmet ready, and stay tuned! There will be prize opportunities for those who get to school by bike.
On the subject of bikes (and scooters, and skateboards), please make sure that your children wear helmets if they come to school on one of these machines. Brain injuries last forever, and they can come from even minor crashes sometimes. Also, if children are riding on the school grounds, please remind them to go slowly and look forward; we have had some near-collisions lately.
The City of Langley is hosting the 16th Annual TRI-IT Triathlon on Sunday June 12. This is a fun, family event suitable for all ages and abilities. All proceeds for the TRI-IT Triathlon will be donated to KidSport Langley which provides grants for Langley Youth to play a season of sport. Triathlon is a great sport (mostly because it has bikes!).
The Run, Walk and Roll for our Kids is coming up in June. It’s a 2, 5, or 10 km walk/run in support of the Child Development Foundation of BC. Two of our WLE students, Josh and Vincent have started a West Langley Elementary School team. Click here to join the team, or support their efforts!
PAC Happenings
It’s an important week the West Langley PAC.
On Tuesday May 17th we will holding our Annual General Meeting at 6pm in the library. We have several positions to fill for next year and we encourage any and all parents to attend the meeting. Come find out what you can do to help the school.
Nominations are being accepted for all positions:
President Fundraising Committee
Vice President Hot Lunch Committee
Secretary Room Parent Coordinator
Treasurer Sunshine Rep
DPAC (District PAC) Rep
If you are interested or have any questions, contact
After an evening at the PAC meeting, you can enjoy not having to make lunches. Wednesday is hot lunch and Pizza Hut Pizza is being served up.
Carnival Update
Friday May 27th is the West Langley Carnival and the PAC is busy getting everything ready to go. We are still very much in need of more volunteers to help at the carnival. We are asking any and all parents to please sign up to volunteer 1 hour of your time and help run a game, work at the concession, or sell tickets. The sign up board will be out again Monday before and after school. Please stop by the front of the school and sign up!!!
Quote of the Week
In honour of the PAC volunteers…
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Don’t let the drive for achievement stamp out kids’ natural curiosity and sense of wonder (of course, we all know this, but…)
- I’m a bit of a fan of Leonardo Davinci. I love the idea of renaissance thinking. Here are some selected quotes of his.
- So, every day, we have a group of students who play football at recess and lunch. They range from grades 4-7 and manage to have a conflict-free (mostly) game without this sort of ridiculousness!
Calendar of Events
- Meeting for Grade 6 parents regarding Camp & fundraising for next year – 5:30 in the library.
- PAC Annual General Meeting – 6pm in the library. Child minding available. This is important, folks! Please consider attending.
- Hot Lunch Day
- Inquiry Fair – Details here.
- Inquiry Fair – Details here.
- May 23 – Victoria Day Holiday
- May 27 – Track Meet all day
- May 27 – Family Carnival 5pm to 8pm
- May 30 – June 3 – Bike to School Week; Zumba
- June 1 – Welcome to Kindergarten 9:00-10:30