Posted: January 24, 2016
- Basketball has begun. If your child is participating, here is the schedule as it currently stands: WLE Basketball Schedule 2016.

- Kindergarten Registration is underway. Please let your friends and neighbours know. The sooner we know who is coming to join us next year, the better!
- Thanks to the generous support of the PAC, students in Divisions 3-10 will be doing two days of baseball clinic in the gym this week. If you have a glove, please bring it along.
- The new web page has launched. The calendar is not working quite how we want, but the ‘Upcoming Events’ tab is working and connected to the calendar. 5 Things to ROAR About and This Week at WLE will be moving here permanently over the next few weeks. Please update your bookmarks. Also, you have the option of subscribing to the new page so you’ll be notified of any changes.
PAC Happenings
Let’s play ball!
This week the PAC is pleased to be supporting Last Raps Baseball in teaching divisions 3 to 10 some baseball fundamentals. Each division will receive 2 sessions with experienced instructors and learn proper throwing and hitting skills. If your child has a baseball glove or batting helmet they are encouraged to bring it on the days they have sessions.
It’s Sunday and that means another week of making lunches. Make sure you stop in at COBS and get some fresh baked bread and yummy treats for the kids. Don’t forget to mention West Langley Elementary and help us “raise some dough!”
Quote of the Week

Thought Provokers
- I encountered a new term this week: ‘extreme learner.’ While it is applied only to a few, it gives us some valuable insights. How can we encourage our students to be more extreme as learners?
Calendar of Events
- Baseball
- Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball game at Gordon Greenwood
- Girls basketball practice after school
- Baseball
- Grade 6 boys’ basketball practice after school
- Baseball
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketaball game at James Kennedy
- Girls’ basketball game home vs. Gordon Greenwood
- Baseball
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball practice after school
February 3 – Collaboration day – students dismissed at 1:15
February 8 – Family Day holiday
February 11 – Jump Rope for Heart kickoff assembly