Posted: January 15, 2017
- The Langley School District are beginning a consultation process around Middle School implementation in the Walnut Grove region. These changes could impact the younger students in our school. This letter went out, inviting parents to be a part of the process.
- Do you have a 4-year old? Tomorrow is time to register for Kindergarten. K registration opens on January 16 this year. Please register right away, as knowing our numbers for next year makes a big difference to how well we can plan for the coming school year. Information can be found here or at the bottom of this page.
- Langley Parents as Partners are presenting a program for parents of tweens and their kids. Click the banner below for full details:
- We will have 3 basketball teams this year: Grade 6 and 7 boys (separate) and a grade 6/7 girls’ team. This week, Grade 6 Boys practice after school (Tuesday) and girls
(Wednesday) and Grade 7 boys after school Thursday. Games start next week.
- Thanks to Mrs. Thacker who shared notice of this great-sounding workshop on anxiety happening on January 24th at WGSS. Anxiety workshop for parents at WGSS. This one looks very interesting, and at $5 it’s a bargain. Intended for adults. Seating is limited. Tickets here.
- Speaking of WGSS, grade 7 families, it’s time to start thinking about high school. Yikes! On February 2, there is an open house at WGSS, so you and your kids can go to find out about programs, what to expect in high school, and more! Follow this link for a flyer: WGSS GRADE 7 OPEN HOUSE.
from Kids in the Grove Daycare:
All Programs, Preschool & Out of School Care, are open for registration! Registration can be done via email and/or by visiting our centre! Meet the staff, tour the centres and fill out registration forms! For more information visit our website,! Our Preschool Open House is Friday February 24th 9:00-12:00pm.
PAC Happenings
There is not much happening with the PAC this week, but looking ahead we have some important dates coming up:
Tuesday January 24th -PAC meeting at 6pm in the library
Wednesday January 25th – Hot Lunch. Boston Pizza Pasta
Wednesday February 8th – Treat Day. Crazy Bread
February 17th – Family Movie Night (more details coming soon on this event)
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I confess that I haven’t read everything in here yet. On first glance, though, it looks like it has some valuable content around anxiety and strategies for coping with it. It’s from FORCE who put on some of the workshops I’ve shared with you over the past two years.
- I like the idea of kids designing and making things. This is a phenomenal example of useful making!
Calendar of Events
- Kindergarten Registration Begins
- Iskwew Singers Assembly – 9:00 am
- Grade 6 boys’ basketball practice 2:45-4:00
- Girls’ basketball practice 2:45-4:00
- Grade 7 boys’ basketball practice 2:45-4:00
Beyond a bit…
- PAC Meeting next Tuesday
- Middle Schools in Walnut Grove consultation meeting @WGSS – Jan 31
- Early Dismissal – Feb 1
- Family Day holiday – Feb 13