This Week @WLE – April 4, 2016

Posted: April 3, 2016


  • WGSS Track and Field have a manure sale upcoming on April 9 and 10. There have been orders taken door-to-door over the past few weeks, or you can oder from the manure hotline at 604-882-0220 ext 570.
  • Red Cross Babysitting Course

    So you want to be a babysitter? Or, your parents want you to take this course so they feel confident leaving you at home alone? Babysitting with First Aid Hero emphasizes learning through real life scenarios. information covered includes: Exploring the business of babysitting, creating safe environments, safely caring for ages 0-12, and first aid skills.

    Red Cross Babysitting Course

    West Langley, May 6, 8:30-3:30                        

    Grade 6 +   

    $60 + GST online registration

  • Langley Summer Session Registration opens now! Summer programs in Langley are HUGE and for good reason. The brochures below provide all the information you need about program options and registration for students in grades K-7.
  • There is an exploratory/information meeting about the possibility of an elementary Hockey Academy (connected with the Langley Rivermen) in the Walnut Grove region. The meeting is this Thursday (April 7) at 7pm at Gordon Greenwood Elementary. Here’s more information: Hockey Academy.


Look for information coming home this week about our special 

West Langley PAC Mother’s Day Fundraiser

Another week of making lunches!!! Head to COBS and pick up your fresh bread and yummy treats. Don’t forget to mention West Langley and help us “raise some dough!”

Treasurer needed!

The PAC needs for a treasurer for 2016/2017 school year. For more information about the position contact    

Points to Ponder

Quote of the week






  • Our Business World presenter in Division 4


  • LEPS visit to Division 8
  • Elementary Hockey Academy Information Meeting – 7 pm at Gordon Greenwood Elementary




  • April 11 – Earth Rangers assembly (grades 1-5) and in-class presentations (Divisions 5&6), Divisions 1&2 to Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat @WGSS
  • April 15 – Collaboration Day – students dismissed at 1:15pm
  • April 18 – Curriculum Development Day – students do not attend

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556