This Week @WLE – April 25, 2016

Posted: April 24, 2016


The City of Langley is hosting the 16th Annual TRI-IT Triathlon on Sunday June 12.  This is a fun, familyScreen Shot 2016-04-23 at 7.52.17 PM event suitable for all ages and abilities.  All proceeds for the TRI-IT Triathlon will be donated to KidSport Langley which provides grants for Langley Youth to play a season of sport. Triathlon is a great sport (mostly because it has bikes!).

Monday is the last day for battery collection for the EarthRangers Battery blitz. So far, we’ve boxed up over 200 pounds of batteries, keeping them out of the landfill.

West Langley’s Inquiry Fair is coming! Save the date: May 18-19, 2016. More specifics to come.

Barry MacDonald Boy Smarts


Barry McDonald’s Boy Smarts is coming to Langley again. He provides valuable insight to those who work with (or are raising) boys.


Ready Set Learn is coming! May 11 – 6:00-7:15. This free program is for 3- and 4-year olds and their parents, and has a theme of play-based learning. Call the office to register.


Langley Schools Summer Session Registration opens now! Summer programs in Langley are HUGE and for good reason. The brochures below provide all the information you need about program options and registration for students in grades K-7. There are amazing opportunities available. Check them out!


Just over one month until our school carnival on Friday May 27th. The raffle baskets are a favorite part of the carnival and your donations make them huge success. All raffle basket donations are due this Fridays April 29th.

We are still looking for volunteers to help out at the carnival. If you are interested in helping out please contact

The PAC Annual General Meeting is in May. Please consider volunteering for an executive position (like Treasurer).

Quote of the Week

How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.

William Shakespeare


Sunday was the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death.

Reading is good…

  • I have posted articles like this before. I confess to being guilty of some of these as a parent. I commit not to do so as a coach or parent anymore. How Adults Take the Joy Out of Sports.
  • Here are 10 books you could read aloud with your intermediate kids. Or they could read on their own.

Calendar of Events


  • Internet Safety presentation – Divisions 1-5


  • Divisions 6 & 8 Field Trip to the Nicomekl Hatchery to release the salmon.


  • Our Business World presenter – Division 4


  • Dynamic Dinos in Division 8.



May 4 – Treat Day

May 6 – Pro-D Day. Students do not attend

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556