Posted: September 9, 2018
- Students will be moving into their permanent classes Monday morning. Our staff spend many hours working together (and often agonizing) to build class configurations that meet numerous criteria. Our configurations must fall within the boundaries set by the School Act and the Collective Agreement, and we
work to create the best possible academic fit, learning- and teaching style fit, and while respecting social connections for each student. When students come home after the move, many are delighted, some are neutral, and a few are disappointed. Regardless of the reaction, we appreciate the support of families in encouraging students to ‘give it some time’ with a new class that may not be what they expected it to be. After all, what seems like life’s biggest disaster on Monday is often ‘home’ by Wednesday. That said, please let your children know that they are welcome to talk to Mr. Oliver if they are worried about their new placement.
- The D.W. Poppy community are happy to welcome all Langley parents to a special presentation by Anthony McLean called ‘What’s With Kids These Days?’ The target audience is parents of children from grades 1 to 12. Thanks to the support of Langley’s Instructional Support Services department, it is free for all interested Langley parents. Register here. Since the PAC Meeting is in the morning that day, I’ll be attending!
- KidsPlus Accident Insurance is available to all students. It is a reasonably-priced insurance option and is available at the KidsPlus website. When asked for a School District, choose SD35 Langley.
PAC Happenings
Do you have a little time to spare? The PAC would love to hear from you! Volunteer forms are coming this home this week. This is a great opportunity to find ways to contribute that can balance with your other commitments.
Our annual fundraiser for Entertainment Books will be coming home on Friday. Kids can earn prizes by selling books, and all sales contribute towards the PAC. This includes funds that go towards literacy, culture, technology, field trips and more.
UPCOMING – Daytime PAC Meeting: Tuesday, September 18 (9-10am)
Snacks & Drinks for parents! Join us after drop off for a cup of coffee or tea, and a snack before our first meeting of the year starts. You get to meet other parents and join a conversation with the PAC. Some topics will include discussions about how the PAC supports learning in the school, and what type of events and fundraisers we would like to do.
Your younger kids are welcome to come with you, however we are not able to offer childcare because our grade 7 helpers are in classes at this time 😊
Can’t make it? Keep your eyes out for a chance to share your opinions through online polls.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- And here’s an interesting bit on improving performance. While it comes from Outside magazine, the 8 Rules to Do Everything Better apply in pretty much any situation.
- The 3 A’s of Awesome! a TED Talk by Neil Pasricha, author of The Happiness Equation and the director of the Institute for Global Happiness. He also writes the blog 1000 Awesome Things, which is pretty neat. I found this one before the 8 Rules above, and it was so good I had to finish with it.
Calendar of Events
Monday September 10
- Students move to permanent classes. Dismissal from last year’s door, though, one more time.
Tuesday September 11
- Students, come to your new classroom door at 8:30.
Wednesday September 12
- Strong Start opens for families – 9:00 am
- Dumpsta Dragons performance – 1pm in the gym.
Thursday September 13
Friday September 14
- Entertainment Books come home.
September 18 – PAC Meeting
September 19 – Meet the Teacher/Community Dinner (I hear there’s a food truck coming!)