This Week at WLE -September 9

Posted: September 6, 2019

Thank you for everyone’s patience as I learn how to edit and publish on the West Langley Website!  Eventually, it will look “polished.” 5 Things to ROAR will start in the next week or two! I have appreciated the warm welcome and look forward to meeting everyone. Be sure to mark your calendar for our first WLE Community Event on Thursday, September 19 for Meet the Teacher/Open House Event.

Some more important information…

  1. The first week of school is complete and we are looking forward to moving into our new classes on Monday, September 9th.  Students will be bringing home a very brief notice indicating what class they are in and three things they are excited about for this school year.
  2. We are still waiting for our EduPack School Supply delivery and Ms. Swerdan has been working diligently to have them promptly delivered.  As soon as they arrive, we will deliver them to students. Thank you for your patience.
  3. Friday, September 13: Grade 6 Band students (or grade 7 students new to band) have a free Beginning Band workshop at Walnut Grove Secondary (please see the notice sent home with students today). Please arrive at 3:15pm. Instrument specific sessions will begin at 3:30pm.  Band classes will begin at WLE on Tuesday, September 10 but students will not need their instruments until September 17.  If you have any questions about band, please contact either Mrs. Schmidt or Ms. Potter-Smith.
  4.  School forms will be coming home this week and SchoolCashOnline will be updated so planners can be purchased.  Thank you in advance for returning forms as soon as possible.
  5. Students who bring portable technology to school are reminded to turn off or silence devices and put them away in their bags when entering the building.  Unless used for a learning activity, students will have their devices put away during the day and can use them after dismissal to communicate with their parent(s)/guardian.  During the day, if you need to reach your child, please contact the school office at 604-888-6444 and we will gladly assist.

Save the Date!

September 19: Meet the Teacher Night

September 20: School Improvement Day (Students are not in attendance)

September 23: Raven Artstarts Presentation

September 26: Terry Fox Run (more information to follow…start saving those coins!)

September 30: Orange Shirt Day (more information to follow)




West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556