Posted: September 30, 2018
A team of our grade 7 students will be competing at WGSS on Wednesday in the Tough Wally obstacle race. This is the first time that grade 7s are invited to participate, and we’re proud that WLE has two teams competing where some of the larger elementary schools have none. As part of that experience, the teams have been fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation. On Monday, one team are doing a Toonies for Terry coin drive. Please consider sending your spare change to school Monday to support the team! Thanks!
- The Langley School District Foundation publishes Student Success, highlighting the excellent things going on across our district. Have a look!
PAC Happenings
Entertainment Books:
If you have any books at home, or still want to place an extra order, please bring them in as soon as possible. Our parent volunteers have been working hard and would love to wrap this up successfully this week. Thank you for your support! Prize Draws and top-sellers will be announced when all the books are in.
Fundraising Meetings:
Thank you to everyone that has offered to help this year. Our next steps are to get small working groups underway.
Meetings are happening this week: Tuesday 6-7 and Wednesday 9 -10 (both in PAC room). There are two times to choose from, the agenda is the same. All parents are welcome to attend, and little ones can come along if you want or need to.
2018-19 Budget
The PAC executive has been working hard behind the scenes, working on plans to support our great school community. The following link is to a proposed spending plan for this school year. It is guided by requests for resources and support from school staff (i.e. technology, culture, literacy) as well as traditions at West Langley (such as adopted families at Christmas time, and offering a Scholarship to a graduating high school student). We look at past spending as well as new ideas brought forward by parents. Part of balancing includes considering how much we will get from grants, and what we anticipate we will raise through donations, sales and hosting events. All parents can have feedback on this; we welcome your questions, comments, and ideas.
An overview can be viewed here:
Ways to share feedback or ask questions:
- Email
- Post a question on Facebook (search West Langley PAC)
- Attend a fundraising meeting and provide feedback in person
- Come to the next General PAC meeting and ask questions.
This week:
PAC-Man Newsletter will be sent home
October 2 – Fundraising Meeting 6 to 7 pm (PAC room)
October 3 – Fundraising Meeting 9 to 10 am (PAC room)
Munchalunch will be opening soon for hot lunch and snack orders!
October 9 – PAC Meeting (BUDGET) 6 to 7 @ West Langley Learning Commons (library)
- Childminding is available at no cost
October 18 – District PAC Meeting 7 to 9 @ School Board Office
- Childminding is available at no cost
November 8 – Parents Night Out
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- This doesn’t, I suppose, have much to do with anything, but I thought it was quite interesting. It offered me a few re-imaginings of how I can present data about our learning, and seeing that a single person is credited with inventing the bar graph and pie graph, which we take for granted, was a good reminder that all of our ‘tools’ really come from a person’s imagination and passion. The simple genius of a good graphic. And ‘Information Designer’ as a career path also got my attention.
Calendar of Events
Monday October 1
- Toonies for Terry collection by the WLE grade 7 Tough Wally team
- Cross Country Practice – 8:00 behind Ms. Edlund’s room
Tuesday October 2
- No bell Fire Drill
- Cross Country race 3
- PAC Fundraising Meeting 6-7 pm in the PAC Room
Wednesday October 3
- PAC Fundraising Meeting 9-10 am in the PAC Room
Thursday October 4
- Cross Country Practice – 8:00
Friday October 5
- World Teachers’ Day
- Non-Instructional Day – Students do not attend.
- Thanksgiving Holiday – Oct 8
- Cross Country Championship (for qualifying runners) – Oct 11
- Professional Development Day – October 19
- Student Photos – October 22
- Parent Teacher Interviews – October 24, 25