Posted: September 25, 2016
- On October 5, the School District will be hosting a Community Forum about middle schools in all of Langley at the Coast Hotel and Convention Center in Langley City. Parents and staff from all schools are invited. Details can be found here. This session should be of particular interest to the parents of our younger students, as they are the ones who would most likely be impacted.
- Thursday September 29 is Orange Shirt Day, commemorating and honouring Residential School survivors, and reaffirming our belief that every child matters. Please wear an orange shirt to help us honour those survivors. Students will have brief presentations in their classes from our fantastic new Aboriginal Support Worker, Ms. Petersen, and there will be an assembly at the end of the day Thursday where we can convene as a school.
- Thanksgiving Food Bank Blitz! Some of our WE Day students thought it would be good to help families in need at Thanksgiving. They are spearheading a 2-day food drive at WLE. Please consider sending in donations of non-perishable food on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. If we get donations to the bank this Thursday, then the people there can have our donations in the kitchens that need them in time for Thanksgiving. The Food Bank’s ‘Wish List’ of most needed donation items is here.

- Quick math question: You have 6 cupcakes to split amongst three people. Unfortunately, only 4 of them are iced and you all like icing. What’s the best way to divide them fairly? What’s the most efficient? What other approaches are there?
PAC Happenings
Hard to believe we are heading into the last week of September. Here is what’s happening with the West Langley PAC this week…
PAC Meeting
Tuesday September 27th will be our first PAC meeting of the school year. Meetings are held in the library at 6pm. Child minding is available. As a parent of a West Langley student, you are automatically a member of the PAC and are welcome to attend our meetings throughout the year. During the meeting, we get an update from Mr. Oliver about what is going on around the school and what’s coming up. We also find out about hot lunch, fundraising, volunteer opportunities and Langley School district updates.
Entertainment Books
All Entertainment Book orders are due back at the school on Wednesday September 28th. Our school goal is to sell 275 books and if we reach our goal, Mr. Oliver will wear a tutu to school!!! There are prizes for top selling individuals and classes, but all orders must be in on Wednesday to qualify.
Treat Day
Wednesday is our first treat day of the school year. Kernels Popcorn will be delivered to classes at recess.
Room Parents
Thank you to all the volunteers who offered to be room parents. Division 1 and 11 are still in need of room parents. If you are able to help 1 to 2 times a month, please email
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- When young readers come home with ‘read with your family’ as homework each night, what should you do? Here are some great strategies for making that time the most effective it can be.
- If this isn’t a reason to send the kids outside to play, what is?
Calendar of Events
- Cross Country Practice at 8:00
- Cross Country meet after school. Mr. Johnson has the details.
- PAC Meeting at 6pm in the library. Child Minding available.
- Treat Day – Popcorn
- Cross Country Practice at 8:00
- Orange Shirt Day – to recognize and honour survivors of Residential Schools in Canada, and to reaffirm that ‘Every child matters.’ Wear an orange shirt to show your respect for those survivors.
- Curriculum Implementation Day – No school for students.
Beyond a bit…
- October 4 – Power of One Assembly
- October 7 – School Improvement Day – Students dismissed at 11:26