This Week at WLE – September 24, 2017

Posted: September 24, 2017


  • Picture day was cancelled last week. We have scheduled the replacement individual photo day for Monday, October 23. The new retakes day is November 15.
  • West Langley is part of the Indigo Adopt a School program this month. Watch for details from the PAC on how you can help drum up support for our school’s Learning Commons (library) and help us make WLE an even more awesome place to learn.
  • On October 2, we will be working with parent volunteers to install the Stream of Dreams salmon art installation on the front fence. The project people tell me that the work of twisting wires to attach the salmon to the fence is too difficult for kid hands. They do provide pliers, though if you want to bring your own, lineman’s pliers are recommended. Work gloves are also strongly recommended. Thanks to those who have already volunteered – we now have a huge crew for the first two hours, and should be able to make serious progress. It is so fantastic to have such a connected and helping school community.
  • Student Success is a monthly magazine produced by the Langley School District Foundation. It highlights the great things kids are doing at Langley schools. You can download the current edition .
  • Don’t forget that every school’s website has a link in it to the Community Bulletin Board. You can find information on a range of upcoming community events and opportunities there.

PAC Happenings

PAC Meeting Sept 26 @ 6 pm in the library. Let’s chat about the upcoming year, and how we can continue to support this great school.

Free childminding available.


Oct 4 – Chipotle Fundraiser. Mark your calendars and save the date! Part proceeds of all orders this date will go towards the PAC. Make sure to let the cashier know you’re part of the West Langley Fundraiser.

Do you work at an office? Find out how to plan a lunch party and help us earn even more.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • This Friday is Orange Shirt Day, where we recognize the survivors of Indian Residential Schools in Canada. This story is one that some of our students have read, and the video adaptation does a good job of capturing some of the impact of the Residential Schools on First Nations people in Canada.

  • Last year I shared Phyllis’ Story, which tells us of the original Orange Shirt and why that is chosen now as a symbol of recognition and reconciliation.

Calendar of Events


  • Cross Country Practice before school


  • Eco Dairy Field Trip for Divisions 7&8.
  • Cross Country meet after school. Drivers meet at the front door at 2:30 please.
  • PAC Meeting at 6:00 in the library.


  • Stream of Dreams fish painting.


  • Cross Country practice before school.
  • Stream of Dreams fish painting.


  • Stream of Dreams fish painting (morning)
  • Orange Shirt Day – wear orange to symbolize your belief that every child matters.
  • Orange Shirt Day assembly after lunch


  • Oct 2 – Stream of Dreams Installation 8:30 to completion
  • Oct 6 – Curriculum Implementation Day – Students do not attend
  • Oct 9 – Thanksgiving Holiday

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556