This Week at WLE – September 23, 2018

Posted: September 23, 2018


  • Our Terry Fox Run is this week. As I have lost two former colleagues and friends to cancer in the past 3 months, it is particularly poignant for me this year. In place of doing coin drives this year, we have set up a donation page for family or community members who want to support our Terry Fox Run by donating to the Terry Fox Foundation.
  • Orange Shirt Day is Sunday September 30. We will meet as a school this Friday to remember and honour survivors and victims of Canada’s Residential School System. If you are interested in purchasing orange shirts from the Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society, you can do so here. If you want more information on Orange Shirt Day this website and the video below provide some context as to what Orange Shirt Day is, and why we recognize it.
  • I know a couple of our families were looking for after school care. Kids in the Grove Daycare 
    have have full time spaces available in their Out of School Care Program! They also have limited spaces available in the Preschool Program! To register please email them at or drop by at their classroom at the school. Visit their website for more information and their Facebook page too!

 PAC Happenings

Entertainment Books
All orders are due back to the school on Friday. 
Thank you to everyone that participated and purchased a book (or more)
Room Parents
We are looking for at least one more room parent for the divisions 1 through 8
If you have time, and haven’t already signed up, please send us an email!
If you completed a Volunteer form – thank you! We have sent confirmation emails out to everyone that responded. If you didn’t get our message, please send us a quick email (in case we made a mistake with your email address).


PAC Meeting: Tuesday, October 9 from 6-7 pm
location: West Langley Learning Commons (Library)
Free childminding is provided
The October meeting will include a motion to vote on specific spending items for the current school year. A draft Spending Proposal, and meeting agenda will be shared ahead of time. 
District PAC Meeting: Thursday, October 18 from 7 -9pm
Location: Langley School Board Office
A West Langley PAC representative attends on behalf of the PAC, but all parents are welcome to attend. There is a lot of information and great presentations. 

Save the Date:

Parents Night Out! Thursday, November 8

This is a PAC fundraiser – leave your kiddos at the school to have dinner, play games and watch a movie while you get some time off. Times and registration information will be posted closer to the event. And YES, there is a Professional Day on Friday so the kids can sleep in 😊

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

Calendar of Events

Monday September 24

  • Cross Country Practice – 8:00 behind Ms. Edlund’s room

Tuesday September 25

  • Cross Country race 2

Wednesday September 26

Thursday September 27

  • Cross Country Practice – 8:00
  • Terry Fox Run – 1:00 Assembly, 1:15 or so run start. Please join us.

Friday September 28

  • Entertainment Books Due
  • Orange Shirt Day Assembly at 1:00. Please join us for this one too.


  • Non-Instructional Day – Oct 5
  • Thanksgiving Holiday – Oct 8





West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556