This Week at WLE – October 8, 2017

Posted: October 8, 2017


  • The Foundation Skills Assessment is coming soon for grade 4 and 7 students. This assessment looks at numeracy and literacy skills (rather than specific content). This letter went home to all students in those grades on Friday. The test provides us with information about student learning that we can use in educational planning for the school and district. Sample FSA questions can be found here, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. It’s not the same as the assessments used in previous years.
  • This presentation might be of interest. Click anywhere on the poster below to go to the registration link.
  • Congratulations to Jayden, Jordan, Koan and Owen who all qualified to represent West Langley at the Cross Country Championship race on Tuesday.
  • Don’t forget, our individual photo day is rescheduled for October 23.
  • Thanks to the Yorkson Watershed Enhancement Society and the WLE PAC for sponsoring the Stream of Dreams program for West Langley. The fence looks fantastic, and we have seen lots of people stopping by to admire the work. Thanks, too, to all the volunteers who made it out to help with the installation. We set a new record for the Stream of Dreams folks to beat, for fastest installation, and friendliest parent volunteers.

PAC Happenings

Thank you to everyone that participated in the September fundraisers! Entertainment books, Indigo & Chipotle were all successful; these will contribute to a number of great initiatives throughout the year. If you want to have a say in money is spent, please join us at the PAC meeting next week!


Oct.17 – PAC Meeting @ 6 (Library)

Nov.9 – PARENTS NIGHT OUT! Drop the kids off for an evening of movies, games, and fun! Dinner will be available. Details to come

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • ‘I’m always prepared to be amazed, and I’m never disappointed.’ This TED Talk is from Celeste Headlee, a radio host, who tells about how to be ‘better’ at conversations. She showed me a couple of my own bad habits (sorry if I’ve done them to you) and reinforces some things I guess I should be proud of.
  • Ms. Coulson, Ms. Leiding and I attended a workshop on wellness for childrena nd adults in the school system on Monday night. We learned there about ‘orchid’ and ‘dandelion’ children. Here’s a bit of that learning.

Calendar of Events


  • Thanksgiving Holiday – no school


  • Cross Country Championship race for qualified runners (gr 7 boys only this year).


  • Treat Day!



  • Dave’s Orchard Field Trip (Divisions 3, 4, 8, 9).


  • October 20 – Pro-D Day – students do not attend
  • October 23 – Photo Day, Early Dismissal (1:15)

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556