This Week at WLE – October 7

Posted: October 8, 2018


  •  Led by Ms. Doerksen, Ms. Edlund and Ms. Peterson, we will be running school colour teams all year this year. Watch for spirit days where students can participate as part of their teams. Students should know their teams before Friday so they can dress in team colours (red, blue, green or yellow). Exciting things are coming! We will have WLE Team shirts (the lion on your team’s colour) available soon.
  • Did you know that Langley has a Healthy Schools initiative? It includes things like guidelines around the food offered in schools, and on keeping kids active.
  • Pink Shirt Day is in February. Believe it or not, we will be arranging pink shirts in November so there is stock for us! We’re thinking Hot Pink Ts with black writing this time, using our ‘Same Pride’ artwork to match last year’s shirts.

 PAC Happenings

PAC Meeting this Tuesday @ 6!

Join us in the library from 6 to 7 to hear about updates from the PAC and discuss the proposed budget for 2018-19.

Thanks to Kids in the Grove for sharing their great space and our grade 7 helpers so we can continue to offer child minding at no cost.

Entertainment Books

If you have any books or orders at home, please bring them to the office.


October 18 – District PAC Meeting, 7 to 9 @ school board office

Hot Lunch Ordering is OPEN on Munchalunch.

Dates on this term are: October 17 & 24, November 7 & 21, December 5 & 19.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Are Canadian Kids Losing the Ability to Play? Lots of this strikes a chord for me, though I think many (not all) of our students at WLE are doing OK on these skills.
  • I think this little gem should be revised a bit. Limiting our thinking to sunshine and weather takes so much power away from the sentiment here. Let’s replace ‘sunshine’ with ‘everything being perfect!’

Calendar of Events

Monday October 8

  • Thanksgiving Holiday – no school

Tuesday October 9

  • PAC Meeting – 6pm in the library

Wednesday October 10

  • Assistant Sup’t visit to classes (afternoon)

Thursday October 11

  •  Cross Country Championship Race for qualifying racers Good luck to Taya, Karis, Rilyn, Tyler and Maddox!

Friday October 12

  • Team Colour Day – Wear your team colours for your first team meeting today.


  • October 16 – Author visit to the library.
  • Great Shakeout BC-wide earthquake drill – Oct 18.
  • Professional Development Day – October 19
  • Student Photos – October 22
  • Parent Teacher Interviews – October 24, 25

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556