Posted: October 2, 2016
- On October 5, the School District will be hosting a Community Forum about middle scho
ols in all of Langley at the Coast Hotel and Convention Center in Langley City. Parents and staff from all schools are invited. Details can be found here. This session should be of particular interest to the parents of our younger students, as they are the ones who would most likely be impacted.
- Thanksgiving Food Bank Blitz! What a response! The students who planned the food blitz and I were thrilled at how much nutritious food WLE families donated in just two days. The folks at the food bank were equally delighted when we arrived with the back of Mr. Oliver’s truck full of donations.
- On October 17 there will be a free session for parents that looks at ADHD in kids. Registration details are here.
PAC Happenings
Goodbye September, Hello October!
Entertainment Books
Our entertainment book fundraising has come to an end, however we are still waiting for several books to be returned. If you still have a book at home, sold or unsold, please send it to school Monday.
Once all the outstanding books have been collected we will announce the total amount sold and prize winners.
Hot lunch!!! Munchalunch ordering will be open on Tuesday October 4th at 9am. Our first session will be for October, Novemeber and Decemeber hot lunches and treats days. Hot dogs, Cobs, Subway, BP pasta, Kernels Popcorn and Booster Juice. Make sure you get your order in.
Dough Raiser
Our COBS “Dough Raiser” program is the easiest way to show your support for West Langley. It is so simple. Every time you stop in at the Walnut Grove Cobs and make a purchase, make sure you tell them you are with West Langley Elementary. 5% of all purchases made when mentioning the school comes back to us.
A Cobs representative will be at our October 24th PAC meeting to present us with a check for our last year’s “dough raiser” total.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- 15 Ways to Help Kids Learn Anything – from a former Langley Secondary School teacher, Jillian Judson.
- What to do when our kids do something mean? Not rocket science, I suppose, but an interesting little read.
Calendar of Events
- Cross Country Practice at 8:00
- Langley Schools Programs of Choice (Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Academies). applications open at 8:00 am and close October 14.
- Power of One Assemblies (12:50 for Divisions 6-11, 1:40 for Divisions 1-5)
- Cross Country meet after school. Mr. Johnson has the details. Location has changed to the Aldergrove Bowl site off Lefeuvre (still in the same park, mind you).
- Meeting for parents of grade 7 students re: Camp. 6:00 in the library.
- Middle School information meeting: 6:30 at the Coast Hotel and Convention Center.
- Cross Country Practice at 8:00
- School Improvement Day – students dismissed at 11:26am
Beyond a bit…
October 10 – Thanksgiving – no school