Posted: October 23, 2016
- Don’t forget that Monday 24th is an Early Dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 1:15 pm.
- As the weather turns to fall and winter, we have noticed a significant upturn in the number of students being driven to school. Along with that, there has been an upturn in the number of cars parked
in the wrong places. Please note that Bylaws officers have been known to swing by the school to write tickets for vehicles parked against yellow curbs, in No Stopping zones, and too close to intersections or fire hydrants. If there is nowhere legal to park close to the school, park a block away and walk in. Even in the rain, a bit of early exercise has been shown to help kids learn better. Also, please note that the circle is for ‘drop and go’ dropoffs.Please make sure that if you are dropping your kids off at the circle, they have their backpacks with them (not in the trunk) and their cheeks already kissed, so they simply have to jump out and shut the car door. If you intend to leave your car for any amount of time, please park in the gravel parking lot. Keeping traffic flowing predictably makes things much safer for drivers and, most importantly,
our students. Finally, if you have relatives or other people driving to help you out, please pass this information on to them as well. Thanks for your cooperation.
- There will be an Eco-Educators Night this Tuesday at the Nature House in Campbell Valley Park. Information can be found here.
- Halloween Carnival is coming on Halloween Day. The grade 7 class are asking for the support of the whole WLE community in a couple of ways. Please consider sending baked goods for the bake sale, a cake for the cake walk, and/or useable toys, movies, etc. for the Dead Toy Sale. Edible donations should come to the school on Halloween day, and toys can be sent to Mr. Masigan’s class anytime.
- Check this out! It’s a Trick or Treat Parade at Willowbrook Mall! Sweet! (Pun totally intended)
- I have a great piece of news! Ms. Plant had her baby on Thursday! Baby Sava was born
at 2:39 am (!!!) on the 19th! He, mom and dad are all doing well. They gave me permission to share this picture.
PAC Happenings
HALLOWEEN PIZZA HOT LUNCH order forms are due Monday at 9am.
Remember to adjust your order form to the correct pizza prices. Pizza is being sold by slice and is $2.50 each.
PAC Meeting
Tuesday October 25th is our monthly PAC meeting. Join us at 6pm in the library for all the latest and greatest information about what’s happening at West Langley. Child minding is available.
Wednesday is Cobs Treat Day! Treats will be delivered at recess
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
Richard Louv wrote a book called Last Child in the Woods, and another called The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Digital Age. In the second of those, he provides this field guide to restorative communities. It’s a big list, but there are some gems on it, for sure.
Calendar of Events
- Halloween Pizza Hot Lunch orders due at 9:00. Note price per slice is $2.50.
- Photo Retakes
- Collaboration Day – Early Dismissal. Students dismissed at 1:15 pm.
- Grade 6 Immunizations
- PAC Meeting
- Take Me Outside Day
- Treat Day
- Assembly ‘Clean Up Your Act’ for Divisions 6-11 (9:00 am)
Beyond a bit…
October 31 – Halloween Carnival (daytime)
November 2 & 3 are Parent Teacher Interviews. Students dismiss at 1:30, and interviews run from 2:00-4:30 on Wednesday and 2:00-5:00 & 5:30-7:30 on Thursday. Final interviews will be scheduled for before the finish times to allow us to actually be finished on time.
November 3 is WE Day.
November 4 is the Symphony Field Trip.