This Week at WLE – October 22

Posted: October 22, 2017


  • It’s Photo Day on Monday. Dress up nicely! Classes will be called down for photos one at a time. Kindergarten and grade 1 classes go first.
  • Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up on November 1 and 2. Please watch for an email coming out at the end of this week with sign-up instructions for appointments. Our hours will be Wednesday November 1 from 2:00-4:30 and Thursday November 2 from 2:00-4:45 and 5:30-7:30. Sign up instructions and link will come in a separate email.
  • One of our parents shared this opportunity: iGuy is a straight-to-the-point, lighthearted empowerment workshop that prepares 9-12 year old boys to make smart decisions in even the toughest situations.Click here for a poster with contact/registration information: iGuy
  • On November 6, we have our first Arts Starts assembly, with African music & dance ensemble Masabo joining us. Presentations are generally about 45 minutes long, and this one is scheduled to start at 1:15. Please feel free to join us if you are available and interested.
  • Halloween is coming, and on Halloween day, we have the Carnival supporting the Grade 7 Camp experience. Watch for information coming home about needed donations (‘dead’ toys and books for resale, bake sale goodies, cake walk cakes) and ticket purchasing.
  • Lots of kids like to come to school in costume on Halloween as well. Please note that while we are fine with costumes, accessory weapons and over-scary masks should stay at home. The bouncy castle at the Carnival and recess have also claimed a couple of costume casualties over the years, so if you have a super-elaborate or fragile costume, you might want to think twice.

PAC Happenings

Thank you to everyone that attended the PAC Meeting last week.


Nov.9 – PARENTS NIGHT OUT! Drop the kids off for an evening of movies, games, and fun!

Registration forms to (1) sign up and (2) optional dinner order went out on Thursday. Kids can come to play, while you get an evening out.

Nov. 28 – PAC Meeting @ 6 (Library)

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Does your child occasionally bend the truth? Misstate the facts? There’s a silver lining, as telling lies is a signpost to a significant developmental milestone.
  • Do you feel like you get enough sleep? Feeling underslept isn’t uncommon, and it isn’t healthy, either. This article has an overview of a bunch of research and thinking on sleep, pertaining to adults and kids alike.

Calendar of Events


  • Individual Picture Day
  • Collaboration Day – Students dismissed at 1:15



  • Hot Lunch Day (hot dogs)
  • WE Scare Hunger Food Drive


  • Ms. Coulson’s class Field Trip to Honeybee Center
  • WE Scare Hunger Food Drive


  • Perfectly Plaid Day – Wear your plaid!
  • WE Scare Hunger Food Drive


  • October 31 – Halloween Carnival
  • November 1 & 2 – Parent Teacher Interviews. Students dismissed at 1:30 each day.

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556