Posted: October 21, 2018
Don’t forget, it’s Picture Day tomorrow!
- The Halloween Carnival is coming. Part of that event is the annual cake decorating contest. Any decorated cakes, and any donations for the bake sale are welcome. There will also be a hotdog lunch on Halloween in support of the Grade 7 Camp program. Orders are due (paper forms for this one) by Wednesday. Extra forms can be picked up in the office.
- As the news on TV told us every day last week, Cannabis has been legalized in Canada. Please see this letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart regarding implications for schools.
- Please see this letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart regarding how the Langley School District will do our part in conserving natural gas after last week’s pipeline rupture in Prince George.
- Recently some trash that may have contained drugs has been found on or around our school grounds. Specifically, we are finding small (~2cm) baggies with printed symbols that may be interesting to children, and larger (tea-bag sized) baggies from medicinal marijuana retailers. Families are reminded that any material of this sort should not be picked up and should be reported to school staff or administration for disposal. Please remind your children that they should be reporting suspicious garbage to an adult, not picking it up by hand (whether at school or around the neighbourhood). If any witnesses wish to report a specific incident of which they have first-hand knowledge, they should contact the RCMP. A report cannot be filed by the Principal of a school on behalf of a student or parent, though the Principal will continue to support the student or parents through the process, as needed. Since this note was first circulated to families, students have shown me numerous questionable pieces of litter, and none were related to drug use. I did encounter several cigarette butts, and labels from shoes. Thank you to families who have talked with their children about this issue in our neighbourhood.
- Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up this week. Please sign up for an interview time by going here. Booking will stay open until the end of Monday October 22, and then will be closed to allow teachers to plan for interviews. Each of the large time blocks (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon & Thursday evening) will be on a separate tab, selected at the bottom of the screen. Please note that editing from a phone does not work well unless you have the Google Docs app installed. If you have challenges booking, please email Mr. Oliver.
PAC Happenings
Hot Lunch on Wednesday!
If you placed an order for hot lunch, you will get a reminder on Tuesday evening with a list of items for each child.
If you haven’t ordered yet, you can still place for November and December until Monday evening by logging in. Please note that Munchalunch is the website your PAC uses for hot lunch orders – you can pay online, or drop off cash or cheque to the office.
Room Parents
If you offered to be a room parent this year, please come to the school on Wednesday to help hand out lunches. We have attempted to contact everyone that has offered. Unfortunately, some of our emails were missed and/or blocked by spam filters.
Birthday Books
If your child had a birthday in September or October, please consider giving a book to the library. The “Birthday book” campaign will go all year, so kids have an opportunity to contribute to the school library. A new or gently used book will help to build our book collection, and a Donated By tag will be placed in all donated books. A tip from Ms. Huffer: choose a book your child would be excited to share with a friend ☺.
Books can be brought to your child’s class and will be taken to the library during specific times. More information will be sent home with your child this week.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Challenges around screen time? Here’s one suggested approach, connected with the ScreenAgers movie. Thanks to Ms. Artemenko for sharing with me.
- And if, like me, you prefer the system to say ‘no more’ sometimes, rather than having to hunt down the device, Apple has screen time controls built into the newest iOS. I have actually installed it on my own devices too, and it has given me some insights into how much unnecessary time I spend on a device, too.
Calendar of Events
Monday October 22
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice – 7:30 am
- School Picture Day
Tuesday October 23
- Boys’ volleyball practice after school
Wednesday October 24
- Girls’ volleyball practice – 7:30 am
- Hot Lunch Day – Pasta
- Parent Teacher Interviews – 2:00-4:30 – Students dismissed at 1:30 pm
Thursday October 25
- Parent Teacher Interviews – 2:00-5:00 – Students dismissed at 1:30 pm
- Parent Teacher Interviews – 5:30-7:30
Friday October 26
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice after school
- Early (1:15) Dismissal – October 29 – Collaboration Day
- Volleyball game (girls) – October 30
- Halloween Carnival – October 31
- PJ Day – November 1