Posted: October 15, 2017
- Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up on November 1 and 2. Please watch for an email coming out at the end of this week with sign-up instructions for appointments. Our hours will be Wednesday November 1 from 2:00-4:30 and Thursday November 2 from 2:00-4:45 and 5:30-7:30.
- This presentation might be of interest. Click anywhere on the poster below to go to the registration link.

- Don’t forget, our individual photo day is rescheduled for Monday, October 23.
- WE Day is this week. Mr. Oliver, Ms. Edlund and a team of 15 students will brave the traffic and go down to Rogers Arena to be inspired to actions that will make our school, Langley, and the world a better place for all.
PAC Happenings
Thank you to everyone that donated, voted and supporting the Indigo Fundraiser! We were wonderfully successful! All the money raised goes directly to books in our Learning Commons (library). The official total raised will be announced at the PAC meeting this week.
PAC Meeting Oct. 17 @ 6 (Library)
All parents that attend are entered to win amazing seats at the Christmas concert (prize value = priceless)
Agenda: updates about what’s been happening at the school, budget discussion and spending plans for the year, and a general discussion with all parents that are there.
District PAC Meeting Oct 19
The district PAC is the collective voice for parents in Langley. Your West Langley PAC has a representative who always attends and reports back to our meetings. All parents are welcome though if this interests you.
Parents Night Out November 9th.
Registration forms will be coming home soon.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
What does it really take to have a ‘good life?’ This TED Talk refers to a 75-year-long study of happiness and offers an answer that probably doesn’t come as a huge surprise, but that does, for me at least, refocus things a bit.
I’m a math person, I think. Some of you are too. And some aren’t. But all of our kids can be math people. While this article talks about how teachers can help kids become math people, I think the advice can be put into place by anyone, at any time.
I’ve talked with some of you about the designs of things. This video is unrelated to anything to do with school, I suppose, but these designs are amazing, and I wanted to share them with someone.
Calendar of Events
- Heating system repairs – dress in layers and warmly, just in case
- PAC Meeting – 6pm in the library
- WE Day! Students attending leave school at 7:10 am
- Professional Development Day – students do not attend
- October 23 – Photo Day, Early Dismissal (1:15)