This Week at WLE – October 14

Posted: October 14, 2018


  • Please see this letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart regarding how the Langley School District will do our part in conserving natural gas after last week’s pipeline rupture in Prince George.
  • Recently some trash that may have contained drugs has been found on or around our school grounds. Specifically, we are finding small (~2cm) baggies with printed symbols that may be interesting to children, and larger (tea-bag sized) baggies from medicinal marijuana retailers. Families are reminded that any material of this sort should not be picked up and should be reported to school staff or administration for disposal. Please remind your children that they should be reporting suspicious garbage to an adult, not picking it up by hand (whether at school or around the neighbourhood). If any witnesses wish to report a specific incident of which they have first-hand knowledge, they should contact the RCMP. A report cannot be filed by the Principal of a school on behalf of a student or parent, though the Principal will continue to support the student or parents through the process, as needed.
  • Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up next week. Please sign up for an interview time by going here. We will open the schedule for booking at 8:00 pm tonight. Each of the large time blocks (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon & Thursday evening) will be on a separate tab, selected at the bottom of the screen. Please note that editing from a phone does not work well unless you have the Google Docs app installed. If you have challenges booking, please email Mr. Oliver.
  • Pink Shirt Day is in February. Believe it or not, we will be arranging pink shirts in November so there is stock for us! We’re thinking Hot Pink Ts with black writing this time, using our ‘Same Pride’ artwork to match last year’s shirts.

 PAC Happenings


Munchalunch is open for online hot lunch and snack orders. Please place your orders early this week so our hot lunch group has time to order and shop. The first lunch will be Boston Pizza on October 24th.


Our first snack day of the year will be this Wednesday. Hot lunch volunteers will be bringing snacks to your child’s class at the end of the day. If you missed the window last week to pre-order, you can stop by the PAC room and purchase from the extra stock. Most items are $3 or less, cash only please.

District Parent Advisory Council Meeting: Thursday, 7 to 9.

Each month, the West Langley PAC has a parent rep attend on our behalf (thanks Leah C.!)). This allows us to vote on important issues that impact our district. We can also be art of group purchases such as the pop-up emergency shelter that will be arriving this year.

All parents are welcome to attend, even if you are not the official rep for this school. Please note there is a location change this month. It’s at Belmont Elementary instead of the usual spot.


With the input from the executive, and input from the principal and staff, the PAC brought a proposed budget to the last PAC meeting. The motion was approved unanimously from those in attendance and now we can move forward with some of the great initiatives


Local businesses that support the school! West Langley has been fortunate to have the support of Cobs, and the “Dough Raiser” program. This has brought in nearly $600 per year for the last few years. In addition, Andrew (owner of the Walnut Grove location) has generously donated product to many of our concessions and events, enabling us to generate even more.

This year, we are expanding our efforts to connect with local business owners. Check out our album on Facebook, as we will update this list as more businesses come on board.

If you are a West Langley family and also a business owner that would like to participate, please contact the PAC. We will put you in touch with the parent volunteers that are leading this part of our fundraising.


A big thank you to everyone that has reached out and offered to help or share ideas and feedback with us. The beginning of the year can feel overwhelming and we couldn’t do it without you. You can connect with us anytime through email ( or drop into a meeting and say hi.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

Calendar of Events

Monday October 15

Tuesday October 16

  • Author visit – Gabrielle Pendergast
  • Boys’ volleyball practice after school

Wednesday October 17

  • Treat Day – Cobs – end of day
  • Girls’ basketball practice after school

Thursday October 18

  • Great Shakeout – Earthquake Drill (before recess)

Friday October 19

  • Professional Development Day – Students do not attend


  • Student Photos – October 22
  • Parent Teacher Interviews – October 24, 25
  • Halloween Carnival – October 31

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556