This Week at WLE – October 1, 2017

Posted: October 1, 2017


  • The Foundation Skills Assessment is coming soon for grade 4 and 7 students. This assessment looks at numeracy and literacy skills (rather than specific content). This letter went home to all students in those grades on Friday. The test provides us with information about student learning that we can use in educational planning for the school and district. Sample FSA questions can be found here, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. It’s not the same as the assessments used in previous years.
  • West Langley is part of the Indigo Adopt a School program this month. Watch for details from the PAC on how you can help drum up support for our school’s Learning Commons (library) and help us make WLE an even more awesome place to learn. Thanks to the families who set up a table at the Langley store on Saturday to solicit donations.
  • On Monday, we will be working with parent volunteers to install the Stream of Dreams salmon art installation on the front fence. If you signed up, please meet us in the multipurpose room after dropoff. If you signed up for a later shift, please keep an eye on the school Facebook page, as the coordinator from Stream of Dreams is guessing we’ll be done before noon. I will post updates on our progress as I get them. Any students who missed fish painting should check in with Mr. Oliver at the start of the day, as we will have a station set up for them to paint on Monday.
  • This year has seen a very complicated school startup in all of BC. While we are fortunate (and grateful) at West Langley that we have all of our staffing in place, some schools are not in that position. This letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart provides some information on the situation in the rest of Langley.

PAC Happenings


Our library fundraiser is on its final week! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as we have been ‘adopted’ by the Langley Chapters. What does this mean? Donations can be made online and Chapters staff will be asking customers at the register.

Please donate! Every $20 donation online will earn a bonus book ($10) by Chapters.

Please donate and share this link:

We are also in need of a few volunteer families to spend some time in the store. It is a great way to increase support for customers donating at the cashier. The kids will have opportunities to hand out free bookmarks, and see the impact of their efforts. Plan to bring one of their buddies and they will have a great time.☺


It’s finally here – October 4 is our Chipotle Fundraiser. Stop by the Langley location and let them know you are from West Langley. A percentage from all orders will be donated back to the school.

If you order online, select to pay in store (and tell the cashier) to make sure the school is credited.


If you still have one of these, please return it asap (or buy it!). We need to collect all books back so we can wrap this up. We are sooooo close to being done.

We understand that September is a very busy time of year for all of us, so we appreciate your help to get this done.

Winners will be announced this week:

Class that sold the most books

Individual student that sold the most books


Oct.17 – PAC Meeting @ 6 (Library)

Nov. 9 – PARENTS NIGHT OUT! Drop the kids off for an evening of movies, games, and fun! Dinner will be available. Details to come

Quote of the Week

This one made me remember the Stream of Dreams painting, though we all stayed remarkably paint-free through that process.

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Do you ever want to unsubscribe to these messages? While I’m not challenging anyone to an email battle, I do like the final message the Mr. Veitch ends with: “Don’t fight the frustration; let it be the catalyst for whimsy!”
  • I always fall for the clickbaits like this one: 18 Things Parents Can Do to Make Their Kids More Successful (originally published in Business Insider). I’m not sure I agree with all of them, and I think some aren’t even really correlated to success, but there were some interesting bits, for sure.

Calendar of Events


  • Cross Country Practice before school
  • Stream of Dreams installation – meet after dropoff in the multipurpose room.


  • Cross Country meet after school. Drivers meet at the front door at 2:30 please.


  • Chipotle Day!


  • NO Cross Country Practice.


  • Curriculum Implementation Day – Students do not attend


  • Oct 9 – Thanksgiving Holiday

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556