Posted: November 4, 2018
- Hold the date! Our Christmas Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18. There will be the traditional afternoon (1:00) and evening (6:30) shows.
- On November 8, we will be holding a Lockdown Drill, assisted by our RCMP liaison officer, Cst. McLaren. Please have a conversation with your children about these drills and why it is important for us to practice in non-emergencies so that we will know immediately what to do in a real emergency. In a Lockdown, students and staff are directed to take shelter in their locked classrooms, with window shutters closed. In Hold and Secure situation, exterior access to the school is closed, but students and teachers are free to move about inside the building. We will practice one or both of these scenarios on November 8 at 1pm.
- With the wet weather seemingly upon us, please remember that we participate in the classic ‘We(s)t Coast Recess’ at WLE. Students will be outside at recess and lunch unless the rains are horrendous, or the winds are creating dangerous conditions. Please make sure your children come with weather-appropriate footwear and outerwear every day. A change of socks is also quite welcome for some of them. Puddles are, after all, like super-magnets for children.
- The Fort Langley Remembrance Day Committee has asked me to let families know that the Remembrance Day ceremony in Fort Langley will begin with a procession at 10:25 on November 11, and with the ceremony taking place at the Cenotaph in the Fort Langley cemetery. The ceremony goes ahead, rain or shine.
Parents of younger children, West Langley will be hosting our first Ready, Set Learn session on Wednesday, November 7 from 5:30-6:30 in the library. The topic will be Early Numeracy. Come with your child (aged 3-5 including current Kindergarten students) to learn with our expert facilitators. Materials to take home are included with this free program. Sign up by contacting Ms. Swerdan in the office. Please feel free to share this opportunity with your friends and neighbours; this program is open to all, not just to WLE families.
- The Grade 7 Camp Fundraising committee will be hosting a movie afternoon (after school) on November 23. There will be popcorn and drinks for sale, and Sherlock Gnomes will be playing.
PAC Happenings
Click the link for the November PAC Newsletter.
PARENT’S NIGHT OUT – This Thursday!
- Register online (munchalunch), or use the paper form your child brought home on Friday. This is a PAC-run, parent-supervised event. You can drop your child(ren) at the school and have an evening to yourself. Kids will have lots of games to play, and can watch a movie (Incredibles 2) if they want. First child is $20, including hot dog, chips and a drink. Additional snacks are available at a cash concessions. Email any questions to
Next week:
- PAC Meeting on November 13 from 6 to 7.
- Just us in the Library for an hour, childminding is available for free.
- Holiday Fundraisers – Neufelds Farms (food sales) and Gift Cards (to pretty much anywhere you can imagine) will be available to order. All proceeds support the PAC, including literacy, culture, and technology resources for our students.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I found this page from the CBC of 8 things you can do for Remembrance Day with kids.
- There’s a book out called Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. This Q&A via the CBC has the author telling us part of why. There’s actually a Learning Commons teacher in Surrey who has got several classes of intermediate kids (willingly) deleting all social media from their devices to try a social media detox.
Calendar of Events
Monday November 5
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice – 7:30 am
- Boys’ Volleyball Practice (and scrimmage vs. the girls) – 2:45
Tuesday November 6
- Bohemia Ballet performance – 9:00 – families welcome
- Girls’ volleyball game – 3:00 at Dorothy Peacock
- Boys’ Volleyball practice – 2:45
Wednesday November 7
- Treat Day – Crazy Bread – end of day.
Thursday November 8
- Remembrance Day Assembly – 10:45 – Families welcome
- Lockdown Drill – 1:00
- Parents’ Night Out fundraiser – 6:00-9:00
Friday November 9
- No School
- November 12 – no school – Remembrance Day
- November 13 – PAC Meeting
- Early Dismissals – November 20 (1:15) and 26 (11:26)
- Christmas Concert – December 18 (Tuesday)