This Week at WLE – November 13, 2016

Posted: November 13, 2016


  • Our Christmas Concert date is set. Please hold Wednesday December 7, 2016 to attend our annual Christmas Concert. We will have shows at 1:00 and 6:30, and all classes will be involved. We recognize that this turns out to be the same night as the WGSS Christmas Concert, but due to our own scheduling limitations, and the early break for Christmas this year, we find ourselves having to stick with that date. 
  • The Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive is underway at WLE and throughout Langley. Bring in donations of clean used clothing to the front hall, and we and the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society will take it from there!
  • Speaking of the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society, we will be supporting another of their initiatives this winter as a point of sale for their calendar. Starting Tuesday morning, we’ll have the TOL Firefighters Calendar available in the office at $20 per copy.
  • Congratulations on an amazing load of batteries in the EcoKids Battery Blitz. On Monday, the courier took out 14 boxes of batteries, weighing around 21 kg each. That’s almost 300 kg of batteries that are not going into landfills. We should know how we did in the school contest shortly. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
  • On November 24, the students in Mrs. Janzen’s & Mrs. Bartholet’s class will be concluding their Junior Achievement learning with a Business Fair from lunch to 3:00, coinciding with the book fair in the library. Students will be taking pictures (and invite customers to bring in props to wear like Santa hats, toques to go with their winter backdrop), raffling items, and selling friendship bracelets for sale (hand made by the students). All proceeds from their sales will be donated to the gift/clotthing/food hampers that the Langley Youth Homelessness Initiative will be preparing for homeless youth in our community.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair is coming the week of November 22, and we are in need of parents to volunteer at the fair. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up in one of the empty time slots here.
  • Information About School Status During Inclement Weather

    Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in Langley School District.  So where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather?  If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed at  Alerts regarding school status will appear as a banner at the top of the District website and all school websites.  Clicking on ‘More Details’ will provide more information.  We will also post updates to Twitter @LangleySchools and Facebook

     If you don’t have internet connectivity, but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you.  Current information is also recorded on the Langley School District’s Information Hotline at 604-532-1453. (Do not hang up if your call is not connected right away).  Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130 AM, CKNW 980 AM, Country Radio 107.1 FM or CBC 690 AM for updates.

    Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am.  As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances.  If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.

PAC Happenings

Neufeld, Dessertco and Gift Card Orders

Stock up for the holidays! Plan for parties and gifts by ordering from Neufeld’s (appetizers, meals an treats) or from an assortment of an amazing Gift Cards. Let us make your entertaining and gift giving a bit easier this year.

Book Fair is coming

The annual West Langley Scholastic Book fair is coming next week. This is another great opportunity to cross some items off of your holiday shopping and help support our school.


Don’t forget to stop by Cobs and get your fresh baked goods for the week. A huge thank you to Cobs for presenting the PAC with a cheque for over $400.00 from their “Dough Raiser” program. A special thank to all that mention WEST LANGLEY when they shop at Cobs. Please continue to help support our school and make sure to mention it to all your family and friends.

Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Here’s an article on how learning needs to be messy, especially if it is project-based or problem-based. I like to think that this line of thinking explains the current state of my office.
  • Here’s an article on ways to improve memory. As kids develop their thinking and inquiry skills, it does still pay hugely for them to have a body of knowledge on which to draw. And if we can’t remember something, it doesn’t help that we knew it once.

Calendar of Events



  • Aboriginal Presenter – Division 9
  • Volleyball game for grade 6/7 boys @Topham.




  • Special Event: Interactive Dance Program for all grades (morning)

Beyond a bit…

Monday 21 – Interactive Dance Program plus wrap-up show ( 11:00 – parents invited); Students dismissed at 11:26

November 22-25 Scholastic book fair

December 7 – Christmas Concert December 7

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556