This Week at WLE – November 12

Posted: November 12, 2018


  • Hold the date! Our Christmas Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18. There will be the traditional afternoon (1:00) and evening (6:30) shows.
  • School Photo Retakes have been rescheduled to November 19 in the morning.
  • With the wet weather seemingly upon us, please remember that we participate in the classic ‘We(s)t Coast Recess’ at WLE. Students will be outside at recess and lunch unless the rains are horrendous, or the winds are creating dangerous conditions. Please make sure your children come with weather-appropriate footwear and outerwear every day. A change of socks is also quite welcome for some of them. Puddles are, after all, like super-magnets for children.
  • Kids in the Grove have asked me to share that they have a few spaces available in before & after school care right now. If you will need space in September, it would be advisable to get on the waitlist asap.
  • The Grade 7 Camp Fundraising committee will be hosting a movie afternoon (after school) on November 23. There will be popcorn and drinks for sale, and Sherlock Gnomes will be playing.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair is coming next week. Watch this space for information on volunteer opportunities and sales hours.

PAC Happenings


Order forms for Gift Cards (to pretty much everywhere) and Neufeld Foods are coming home with students on Tuesday. Proceeds from all purchases support the West Langley PAC, which enables additional support for literacy, cultural experiences, technology resources and in-class support, including buses for field trips!

How to help?

  • Personal use – purchase git cards for places you already shop, like groceries and gas
  • Holiday Shopping – are you giving gift cards anyways? Or can you buy a gift card to a place you plan to shop from?
  • Business/Corporate support – if you are a business owner and looking for gifts for customers and/or employees, please consider doing a bulk purchase through the school.

All orders are due back November 21st. Food and Gift Cards will be delivered on December 5th, after school.


General PAC meeting on Tuesday from 6 to 7 in the Learning Commons (Library)

Everyone that attends will be entered to win two front row seats to the Christmas concert!!

Free childminding is available.

PAC meetings are intended to share information from the PAC executive and other committees such as hot lunch and fundraising. Mr. Oliver will be there to share his Principals report and be part of our general discussion.

The Agenda is here.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • I’m a Special Olympics coach, and while reading for that I found this cool article about Allied Sports, a movement that is growing in the US. I have seen numerous examples of the same mindset in local schools (and it’s totally our approach in elementary school sports), but never this sort of organized approach.
  • I thought this was interesting, though I’m not all the way sold on shed roof climbing. Schools putting real ‘play’ back into playgrounds.
  • How about this for a throwback? Langley students’ take on rock songs gets a re-release. Any parents or grandparents in this, by any chance? These students would all, I think, be older than I am….

Calendar of Events

Monday November 12

  • No School

Tuesday November 13

  • Girls’ volleyball game – 3:00 at WLE vs Alex Hope
  • Boys’ Volleyball game – 3:00 at Alex Hope
  • PAC Meeting – 6pm in the library

Wednesday November 14

Thursday November 15

Friday November 16

  • Fire Drill.


  • Photo retakes – November 19
  • Early Dismissals – November 20 (1:15) and 26 (11:26)
  • Christmas Concert – December 18 (Tuesday)



West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556