This Week at WLE – May 7, 2017

Posted: May 7, 2017


  • Dear Parents:

    As some of you may be aware, there is a new Netflix series called “13 Reasons Why” that has been getting a lot of attention in the news and social media.  While it is rated 16+ years through Common Sense Media (click here for more information), we are aware that some of our younger students are watching the show.

    While a very well done series, it does raise a lot of difficult subjects such as bullying, suicide, rape and drunk driving. These are important topics for our youth and it is essential that students have the opportunity to talk about some of these issues with a supportive adult if they are indeed watching the series.

    If your son or daughter is watching the series or is planning to watch the series, we encourage you to watch along with them. Better yet, watch it first and decide if it is suitable for your child. In addition to the resource linked above, here is another resource that might be helpful.

  • While it may not even feel like Spring is here yet, the district is already hard at work setting up Summer Session learning for students. The official website is up and running, and has links to brochures for all programs and registration details. Online registration opens this Monday, and some of the high-demand programs actually fill up, so if you’re thinking about it, don’t hesitate for too long!
  • Thanks to Mrs. Thacker for sharing this opportunity for kids and adults to try kayaking in Bedford Channel (by Fort Langley) from 10-3 on May 13. Anything that moves by paddle power is awesome in my book!
  • District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is the collective voice of the parents of the Langley School District (SD#35).

     In the interest of serving your needs to the best of our abilities, we encourage all parents to complete this short survey to assist us in the future planning of how to serve all PACs and parents better.  We encourage you to email the following link to all your parents and encourage them to participate.  

     This survey contains 24 questions and should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete.

     We appreciate your participation, and thank you for your time.  If you have any ideas or questions about or arising from this survey, please feel free to contact us:

  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University is hosting a Family Science Rendezvous on May 13 from 11-3. It looks quite fantastic!

PAC Happenings

Bottle Drive

The PAC is holding a bottle drive on Wednesday May 24th starting at 8:30am, but we still need a few more parent volunteers. If you are able to help out please email 

If we do not get enough Volunteers by Wednesday this week we will have to cancel the event.

Treat Day

Wednesday this week is Cobs treat day. Delicious fresh baked snacks will be served at recess. You can also stop by COBS in Walnut Grove anytime and help support our “Dough Raiser” just by mentioning West Langley. 5% of all purchases are donates back to the school.

PAC Executive Members

It’s that time of year again. The PAC is looking for people to join in and help out. Stay tuned for more details on available positions and how you can be more involved in and around the school.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • I have read things like this article before, and I’ve shared similar, but this particular writer addresses both a challenge of the language around meanness and bullying, and the (worse) outcomes of using the wrong language. Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying. These are distinctions I will ask kids about if they report to me, and I encourage adults all to think about when they are talking about the unfortunate, and hopefully rare, interactions kids have some days.
  • We’ve all heard (and maybe used) the term ‘Digital Natives’ but this article suggests that those are gone, now. Instead, consider Digital Orphans, Exiles and Heirs. Interesting reading, this one.

Calendar of Events


  • Assistance Dog introduction assembly at 9:00


  • Election Day. The school is a polling place, so parking will be challenging.
  • Ready Set Learn – 6:00 in the library.


  • Grade 7 Entrepreneur Day
  • Treat Day (Cobs at recess)
  • Gauss Math Contest 1:00 in the library


  • Early Dismissal – Collaboration – Students dismissed at 1:15.



  • May 15 – Welcome to Kindergarten – 1-2 pm

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556