This Week at WLE – May 6, 2018

Posted: May 6, 2018


  • Please read this letter regarding critical incidents in school from Superintendent Gord Stewart. It contains an important joint message from the school district and the RCMP.
  • The Terry Fox Run is on May 18 this year, and the WE Day students are working on the details. In fact, we’re starting to fundraise this week. And there are some fundraising incentives this year. If the school raises $500, students will get an extra recess (on a nice day, no less). If we raise $1000, there will be a bonus lunch play time. Now for the fun part: If WLE can raise $1500 for the Terry Fox Foundation, Mr. Oliver will shave his head, and if we raise $2000, some students will shave Mr. Oliver’s head. We will be hosting a movie day this Friday, May 11 after school. Admission will be $2.00 per student, collected at the door. Concession not yet confirmed, but we’re working on it.
  • The hot weather seems to have arrived in earnest. With it, comes a deluge of flip flops which, while cool, are not really appropriate for school – they don’t provide adequate support or protection. Please make sure your kids are still wearing supportive shoes when they come to school. Likewise, while beachwear is great at the beach, it isn’t really the best choice for a school day. Thanks for your cooperation.
  • On Saturday, May 26, the WGSS Leos Club are hosting a Music Festival to support the Centre for Child Development in Langley. Great cause.
  • On May 29, thanks to the support of the PAC, the grade 6  & 7 students of WLE will be attending an internet safety presentation by the White Hatter at Gordon Greenwood Elementary. His presentations are outstanding. More exciting is the fact that there will be a parent presentation that same evening, also at Gordon Greenwood Elementary from 6:30-8:30. Mark your calendar, and go early as seating will be limited to 550 people, and there are 4 schools participating. The host schools are requesting that only one parent per family attend, so that the greatest possible number of families can be reached. Specifics for the student field trip are still to come.
  • Tomorrow, we are pleased to have the Langley Ukulele Ensemble playing at our school (12:50 start if you want to join us). They are offering a Summer Ukulele Camp this year. Early bird registration ends at the end of May. Full details are here.
  • The Fraser Valley Public Library has a Summer Reading Club. It never hurts to have a reason to read!

 PAC Happenings


Thank you for everyone that has reached out to offer your support and time for the upcoming Spring Carnival!

We are still in need of a few (adult) volunteers to help with the concession. Please check out our volunteer form and offer an hour of your time to make this successful.

We are excited to offer a Magician and theatre performance, carnival games and prizes, bouncy castle, a clown, BBQ and raffle baskets.


Did you know that all parents and guardians of West Langley kids are automatically members of the PAC? This means you are welcome to drop in to a meeting as much or as little as you wish, and are welcome to reach out to us for support throughout the year. The executive is different, we are a small group of parents/guardians that hold “jobs” for a one year term. It is what enables us to maintain our status as a registered charity, apply for grants, and just be awesome in general. To keep this going, will you consider joining?


May is the PAC Annual General Meeting: May 22, 6-7:15

The first part will be a valuable presentation for parents on the prevention of childhood sexual abuse. It’s an intimidating topic, but one that sadly impacts approximately 1 in 5 kids. We have arranged for Gail Markin, a Langley District Counsellor, to present part of Safe Bodies, Safe Kids during the first 30 minutes of the meeting.

What else is happening?

Executive positions will be finalized, and we are going to update our constitution. Why does this matter? The biggest change will be how frequently the PAC meets, and when the meetings are held. The proposed changes include 50% of the meetings to be held during school hours.

The link to the proposed constitution is viewable here. Sorry for the atrocious formatting, but it’s a link anyone should be able to access. If you want to see the PDF, send us an email at

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • So I don’t like hearing my own voice on the PA. Or on a recording. Ever. This video from TEDxBeaconStreet explores how much information our voices contain – and specifically answers why I might be so afraid of the PA. The idea that what we hear inwardly is lower and more musically harmonic completely explains why I think I’m such a great singer, when all objective measures suggest I am not.
  • This (large) page from the Government of New Zealand has lots of suggestions for helping kids with their learning at home. You just have to translate ‘Year 1’ to Grade 1 and you’re off to the learning races. Ideas to help with reading, writing and maths.

Calendar of Events


  • Langley Ukulele Ensemble show – 12:50 pm
  • Track Practice – Long Jump for grade 67


  • IDEA Summit all day at Langley Events Centre
  • Track Practice – running events – before school – 8:00


  • Track practice – running events after school
  • Track Practice – Long Jump Gr 45 after school


  • Collaboration Day – Students dismissed at 1:15


  • Movie fundraiser for Terry Fox Foundation


  • May 15 – Carnival Planning Meeting (parents) 6pm
  • May 18 – Terry Fox Run
  • May 25 – Family Spring Carnival
  • May 28 – Track Meet (It’s a Monday this year)
  • May 29 – White Hatter student (daytime) and parent presentation (6;30-8:30 @Gordon Greenwood)

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556