This Week at WLE – May 29, 2016

Posted: May 29, 2016


It is Bike to School Week from May 30 to June 3, we will be participating in Bike to School Week. Get your ride shined up, your helmet ready, and ride that bike! There will be prize opportunities for those who get to school by bike. Make sure you check in with Mr. Oliver when you ride to school to get your sticker and draw ticket! You’ll get one ticket for each day you come to school by bike. If you still drive, keep a close eye out for the throngs of bicycles that will be on the roads coming to school!

disney-cars-clip-art-cartoon-cars-clipart-2Please slow down in the drop-off circle. We had one car last week who generated comments from several parents at 8:30, based on how quickly it pulled through the circle. Being 1/2 a second faster at dropping off isn’t worth an accident!



Thanks to Mrs. Thacker for the heads up on this opportunity for girls:

Girls – Come Try Hockey!

Saturday, June 4 at 11:00 am

Sportsplex Arena 20165 91A Avenue

 It’s FREE and no experience is necessary.  Come and skate, shoot and score!  Skates will be provided.  Some helmets are available, but please bring a hockey helmet, gloves, and any hockey equipment, if you can.  Open to girls ages 5 – 17 who live in Langley.  Sign up via e-mail at  Please visit our website at  for more information.   

OWL_Facebook CoverWatoto African Children’s Choir

This very talented group of African orphans ages 6-12 will be singing and dancing their way into your hearts, I think (if you attend that is…!).  They are stopping at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church (20530 – 88 Ave) as part of their cross Canada tour on Thursday, June 16th with a performance at 7:00 pm.  The performance is 1 hour and 15 minutes long so it will be great for all ages to attend!  Click here for a preview of what you have to look forward to.  There will be no cost for the event, but there will be an opportunity for you to give a freewill (love) offering to go towards the Watoto Child Care Ministry.  If you would like more information on their organization click here or go to their website:

The Run, Walk and Roll for our Kids is coming up a week from today. It’s a 2, 5, or 10 km walk/run in support of the Child Development Foundation of BC. Two of our WLE students, Josh and Vincent have started a West Langley Elementary School team. Click here to join the team, or support their efforts!

On June 3, we are hosting our annual Parent Appreciation Tea, and a special Zumba performance by students in the gym. Join us at 12:30 for refreshments, and watch students share what they’ve learned from the Zumba classes this week.

handicapPlease remember that the empty space immediately behind our marked handicap parking space is NOT an extra place for cars to park. When it is filled, the people who need the handicap space cannot get into or out of the space. Please be courteous.


The detailed school calendar for next year is available here.

PAC Happenings

Family fun night was a huge success and the PAC would like thank everyone who generously donated items and came out to support West Langley Elementary. Thank you to all of the following sponsors: 

  • Township of Langley
  • Redwoods Golf
  • BD Diesel
  • Sudden Impact
  • White Spot
  • Big Box
  • Booster Juice
  • Save On Foods
  • Cobs Bread
  • Fitness Unlimited
  • Sammy J’s
  • Menchies
  • Atmosphere
  • Rampion
  • Kids in the Grove
  • DJ Steve
  • Dance Xpressions
  • Checkers
  • Precision Printing
  • Windsor Plywood
  • Buy Low Foods
  • Olivia McKenzie Realty
  • Canadians Baseball
  • IGA

Our Family Fun night Could not have been possible without your support!!!


On Wednesday after school Menchies Ice cream and cotton candy will be on sale for $2 each outside the front of the school. Bring a toonie and get a treat.


Friday is our regularly scheduled treat day and Kernels Popcorn is being served

Looking ahead to May 17th

May 17th is our teacher appreciation luncheon. The PAC will be sending out more information this week on details of how you can help out and items to donate. Stay tuned………


Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

Ways to motivate young readers.

Go hiking! It will make your brain better.

So this has nothing to do with education, but I keep seeing Knotweed signs on the shoulders of our roads, and came across this story on a solution.


Calendar of Events


  • Grade 5 Swimming Program
  • Zumba for all classes


  • Grade 5 Swimming Program
  • Zumba for all classes


  • Welcome to Kindergarten – 9:00-10:30
  • Grade 5 Swimming Program
  • Zumba for all classes
  • Menchies & Cotton Candy available for sale after school


  • Grade 5 Swimming Program
  • Zumba for all classes
  • Bike to School Week


  • Bike to School Week
  • Treat Day – Kernels Popcorn
  • Parent Appreciation Tea – 12:30, in association with…
  • …Zumba Performance 1:00


  • June 9 – Truth & Reconciliation Assembly @1:00
  • June 10 – Sports Day
  • June 29 – Last Day of School – Students dismissed at 11:26

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556