This Week at WLE – May 28, 2017

Posted: May 28, 2017


  • On June 1, we will be having our annual Parent Appreciation Tea (and coffee) and a music sharing event at 9:00 am. Don’t miss it! We’ve been practicing our music, and, critically, getting the coffee urns to work on time!

  • Next year’s calendar has been approved by the School Board. It is downloadable here. Dates will be added to the School Calendar on this website shortly.

  • It’s Bike to School Week. We don’t have the flash that we did last year (hey, I totally missed the reminder email!), but we’re still going to ride our bikes every chance we get! Make sure to wear a helmet, and make sure to check in with Mr. Oliver in front of the school to get your trip counted, and to enter for a chance to win prizes from the PAC! And don’t follow the lead of this front guy; look where you’re riding, not where you’ve ridden.
  • The Langley School District Foundation has a couple of fundraiser events upcoming:
    • The Grand Prix Gala is a fantastic equestrian show at Thunderbird Show Park. Click the picture for the full poster.
    • The Taste of Fort Langley is a fundraiser and chance to sample some yummy local food. May 20. Click the image below for more details.
  • I’ve posted about the Eco Educators’ Night events before, and they were always at the far side of Langley. The next one is Tuesday, and it’s super close by. These are intended for parents and teachers alike. 

PAC Happenings

Monday May 29th to June 2nd is BIKE TO SCHOOL WEEK. Ride your bike, scooter or walk to school, but leave the car at home. All participants can enter their name daily to win prizes from the PAC.

Monday is the Staff Appreciation Luncheon. The PAC will be hosting a special lunch for all West Langley Staff members to enjoy. A big thank you again to all who donated toonies to help raise funds to support the lunch.

The PAC wants your opinion. Please take 2 minutes and complete the following survey.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • I don’t think it’s a secret that I believe in Inclusive Education, and that I recognize that it is both challenging, and an ongoing journey for the entire school system. This blog post does a great job of identifying things we see, or don’t see that can act as a bit of a barometer for how well we truly include students who are different from the typical, if ‘typical’ actually exists at all.
  • I spent way too long watching TED-Ed lessons this weekend. Here’s a cool one about what we know (or don’t) about the oceans. I think that chasing mysteries is a powerful opportunity for learning and for increasing engagement. It’s maybe quickly satisfying to investigate something that has a

  • And this one gives some strategies for winning at Rock Paper Scissors without having to resort to the infamous ‘Dynamite’ ‘Snake’ or ‘Laser Sword.’ I’ve seen students using RPS to break ties, decide who’s it, and resolve minor differences of opinion. I wonder what would happen if they all knew these tricks… It sends me thinking about another riddle I watched that hinges on all players knowing what the others know and predicting what they’ll do. I’ll share that one later.

Calendar of Events


  • Bike to School!
  • Choir Presentation to Langley Gardens Retirement Community
  • Grade 5 Swim Program
  • Staff Appreciation Lunch (PAC)


  • Bike to School!
  • Grade 5 Swim Program


  • Bike to School!
  • Grade 5 Swim Program


  • Bike to School!
  • Parent Appreciation Tea & Final Music Sharing 9:00 am. Coffee & snacks will be waiting for you.
  • Grade 5 Swim Program


  • Bike to School!
  • Grade 5 Swim Program
  • Grade 7s get ready for Camp! You leave Sunday morning bright and early.


June 4-7 – Grade 7 Camp

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556