Posted: May 21, 2018
- The school calendar for next year has been approved by the Board of Education. Download it here. The WLE website calendar will be updated over the summer to include these dates.
- On Saturday, May 26, the WGSS Leos Club are hosting a Music Festival to support the Centre for Child Development in Langley. Great cause.
- Don’t forget that the White Hatter presentation for parents is at Gordon Greenwood Elementary on Tuesday 29th May at 6:30 pm. Click here for details and an idea of what to expect. Because space will be quite limited, the organizing school is asking that one adult per family only attend. Thanks.
- We were fortunate to have the Langley Ukulele Ensemble play for us last Monday (with the fantasticEmily and Sarah, two WLE students in the ensemble). Part of why they visit is to promote their Ukulele Summer Camp. Details about that camp are here.
- The Langley Children’s Chorus are recruiting! Details are here.
- There are two more sessions on Raising Digitally Responsible Youth upcoming (same as the May 3 on at Yorkson Creek Middle). One is at Brookswood Secondary on May 28 and the other is at Aldergrove Secondary on May 31. I should have registration details shortly.
PAC Happenings

Thank you for everyone that has reached out to offer your support and time for the upcoming Spring Carnival!
We are still in need of a few (adult) volunteers to help with the concession. Please check out our volunteer form and offer an hour of your time to make this successful.
We are excited to offer a Magician and theatre performance, carnival games and prizes, bouncy castle, a clown, BBQ and raffle baskets.
Did you know that all parents and guardians of West Langley kids are automatically members of the PAC? This means you are welcome to drop in to a meeting as much or as little as you wish, and are welcome to reach out to us for support throughout the year. The executive is different, we are a small group of parents/guardians that hold “jobs” for a one year term. It is what enables us to maintain our status as a registered charity, apply for grants, and just be awesome in general. To keep this going, will you consider joining?
May is the PAC Annual General Meeting: May 22, 6-7:15
The first part will be a valuable presentation for parents on the prevention of childhood sexual abuse. It’s an intimidating topic, but onethat sadly impacts approximately 1 in 5 kids. We have arranged for Gail Markin, a Langley District Counsellor, to present part of Safe Bodies, Safe Kids during the first 30 minutes of the meeting.
What else is happening?
Executive positions will be finalized, and we are going to update our constitution. Why does this matter? The biggest change will be how frequently the PAC meets, and when the meetings are held. The proposed changes include 50% of the meetings to be held during school hours.
The link to the proposed constitution is viewable here. Sorry for the atrocious formatting, but it’s a link anyone should be able to access. If you want to see the PDF, send us an email at
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Thanks to Ms. Coulson for sending me this one about the importance of educating the next generation of ‘curious scientists.’
- Thanks to Ms. Scholz for this one. In case anyone needs encouragement to say nice things to the school garden: What happened when kids bullied a plant? (via an IKEA advertising stunt).
Calendar of Events
- No School
- High Jump Practice – in the gym at lunch
- Fire Drill
- Track Practice – running events – before school – 8:00
- PAC AGM – 6pm in the library
- Track practice – running events after school
- High Jump Practice – in the gym at lunch.
- track Practice – Long Jump 45 after school
- Spring carnival 5-8 pm.
- May 25 – Family Spring Carnival
- May 28 – Track Meet (It’s a Monday this year)
- May 29 – White Hatter student (daytime) and parent presentation (6;30-8:30 @Gordon Greenwood)
- May 30 – Parent Appreciation Tea – right after dropoff
- May 31 – Welcome to Kindergarten for ALL incoming K students & parents – 1:00-2:15