This Week at WLE – May 14, 2017

Posted: May 14, 2017


  •  Happy Mother’s Day! Hope all you Moms out there have a delicious breakfast made by your kids, and that they then do all the laundry. Ironing included.

  • Next year’s calendar has been approved by the School Board. It is downloadable here. Dates will be added to the School Calendar on this website shortly.
  • I am passing on this request from one of our families who are in need of child care (boys in grades 3 and 5) from after school until 5:30, on Fridays from May 26 to June 30. If you are a childcare provider with space, or if you have a teenager who is available and willing (in your home), please let me know and I will put you in contact with the family.
  •  Save the dates: May 26 is our Walnut Grove regional track meet for qualifying athletes. Sports Day is scheduled for June 16, the Grade 7 Farewell for June 21. Parent Appreciation Tea/Music Sharing Concert TBA.

  • We are excited to be welcoming our incoming Kindergarten students to the school on Monday afternoon, from 1:30 to 2:30. There are 31 of them so far!
  • We were reminded this week that School Zones stay in effect all summer for any schools that have summer session programs. Locally, that’s James Kennedy. Don’t forget, and don’t get a ticket!

PAC Happenings


The West Langley PAC will be having a bottle drive on Wednesday May 24th starting at 8:00am. This will be after the long weekend and is the perfect time to clean up and get rid of all your bottles and cans. Starts asking your family, friends and neighbours for their recyclables too.

AGM PAC Meeting

Tuesday May 23rd is the PAC AGM. Meet us in the library at 6pm for all the latest and greatest West Langley information. Nominations are being accepted right now for executive positions. Come be a part of something great and help make s difference for your child and our school.

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • A couple of weeks ago, I shared an article about Fidget Spinners. I’ve since seen lots of them at school, and have listened to radio programs praising them. I’ve also heard complaints about them, though, and hear stories of outright bans in schools elsewhere. This article suggests that, for some kids, they might do more harm than good. And in the end, the fidget tool has to be matched to the needs of the individual student – no one-size-fits-all can work.
  • So, this little video blew me away. It served as a great reminder to me to keep wonder and creativity alive in my own life, and to make sure I keep it alive for my own kids, and for the kids here at the school.
  • Another bit on parenting, that will resonate, I hope with everyone. It’s not you, it’s me by Chris Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools in West Vancouver.

Calendar of Events


  • May 15 – Welcome to Kindergarten – 1:30-2:30 pm
  • Track & Field trials all week, during classes and some lunch hours.
  • High jump practices all week (grade 6-7 at lunch)




  • LEPS visit to Division 8.


  • Soapstone Carving in Division 6


May 22 – Victoria Day – no school

May 24 – Bottle Drive, Kinderstarts

May 26 – WG Regional Track Meet

June 4-7 – Grade 7 Camp


West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556