This Week at WLE – March 4, 2018

Posted: March 4, 2018


  • Any new students to the school, including Kindergarten students, must be registered by March31 in order to be guaranteed a spot in their neighbourhood school. If you, or a neighbour, is going to be coming here in September, we need your registrations before Spring Break. Likewise, if you are moving schools, which makes us sad, this applies to your potential new school if it is in Langley. Please spread the word!
  • Report cards come out this Friday, and they will be published online again. If you have not yet logged on to MyeducationBC, please do. If you don’t have a username, please email Mr. Oliver for assistance. Teachers work long hours writing report cards, and it is important for you and your child to read and discuss them.
  • Parent Teacher Interviews are on March 14 and 15. Please expect a message on Monday or Tuesday via email about appointment booking. We look forward to seeing you and your child on one of those days.

 PAC Happenings

Hot Lunch ordering is currently open on Munchalunch for the final term. Ordering closes March 16. Don’t miss out!

The Assistant Superintendent will be coming to West Langley on March 9 to talk with interested parents about middle schools in Walnut Grove. 9:00 in the multipurpose room (or maybe library). Watch this space for further details.

Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Best with headphones, perhaps, but I found this cool little music maker online. Lets kids practice patterns, rhythm, even math and language if they add some vocals.
  • Back in the fall, and in the fall of 2016, grade 4 and 7 students participated in the Middle Years Development Instrument, where they are surveyed on a wide range of questions that look at their lives and how they thing things are going. Here are some summary results from the two years around sleep. The coloured bars are our kids, and the little black lines are the district average. Click the graphic for a legible size. Here are three articles that might be interesting in light of our results: Big Kid Sleep Problems, Tired Teenagers, Screen Time Before Bed.

Calendar of Events


  • Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball Game at Alex Hope


  • Grade 7 Boys’ basketball game @ Gordon Greenwood
  • Grade 67 Girls’ basketball game @home vs Gordon Greenwood


  • Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice – 2:30




Parent Teacher Interviews – March 14 & 15.

Hot Lunch Ordering Open March 2-16

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556