Posted: March 26, 2017
In April, we are thrilled to have Sara Stark from Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators visiting the school to present to all students as part of the Physical and Health Education curriculum. As part of this program, there will be a parent information session on April 4 from 6:30 to 8:00 in the library. This letter provides details on the program.
- Please don’t forget that registration for Kindergarten closes March 31. This deadline also applies to all other grades registering in neighbourhood schools, so if you have moved house and are looking to register in a new school next year, you must register by March 31 to be assured of a spot there. Of course, why would you want to leave a great place like WLE? If you are currently registered here, you can stay here and we’re happier for it.
- Check out this (to the right) workshop on anxiety and kids! Thanks to Mrs. Thacker for sharing. It’s tomorrow and requires registration (though it is free) by this evening. Click for a bigger version of the poster.
- Please read this important letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart regarding celebrating diversity in Langley and the inclusion of LGBTQ+ curriculum in BC.
- So, you know the Google Doodle? That ever-changing artistic heading at the top of the google page? There’s a contest asking Canadian kids to design one for Canada’s 150th celebrations this year. The top prize is a $10000 scholarship and a matching tech grant to the school. Thanks to Ms. Morton for sharing it, and good luck to anyone who might choose to enter.
PAC Happenings
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Spring Break and is feeling well rested and ready to go again.
The PAC is ready to start the return of school off with a BANG!
This Wednesday, March 29th from 10:45am to 9:00pm, help support West Langley Elementary. Stop by the Chipotle Restaurant in Langley, mention West Langley or show them the attached flyer and 50% of all orders are donated back to the school. How easy it that? Whether you are having lunch with a friend or dinner with the whole family, every order counts that day. You can order online and pick up in the store. Work in an office??? Have everyone order ahead of time and send someone to pick it up. As a small school this is a HUGE opportunity for us to raise some funds for our school.
Spread the word and tell all your friends and family! Click the burrito above for a flyer with details!
Looking ahead…
As part of our students’ Health and Career Education, the PAC is proud to once again be bringing in a Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educator to talk about Body Science with our Kindergarten to Grade 7 students. She will be in classes April 12th and 13th. As with previous years, there will be a PARENT INFORMATION EVENING on Tuesday April 4th from 6:30 – 8:00pm in the library where our educator, Sarah, will go over the teachings that the kids will receive and be available to answer any questions parents may have about the daytime sessions. The Saleema Noon professionals are well known for their age-appropriate and well presented programs and we are glad to have them at West Langley again.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Oliver
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- This was released for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21, but I think its message applies to everyone.
- This article presented an interesting analysis of education as economics. While I’m sure the author had high school kids in mind, some of the ‘roles’ suggested start to appear as early as grade 4, from what I observe.
- Too bad I didn’t find this one before the break. Board games can improve kids’ executive functioning. I don’t know about executive functioning, but learning Backgammon this break definitely improved my son’s ‘kick dad’s butt’ functioning by a lot.
- This one might have been good before the break, too. The 50 best books for 11- and 12-year-olds.
Calendar of Events
- Back to School
- Anxiety workshop at Sunrise Golf Course Conference Center (Hwy 10 & 188th) – 7-9:30
- Chipotle Day – mention WLE when you buy lunch at the Langley Chipotle and the PAC receive a donation. Mmmm. Burritos!
- Kindergarten (and other grade) registration deadline.
April 4 – Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators parent session (library)
April 6 – Drumming sessions for students with Milton Randall
April 7 – Students dismissed at 1:15
April 12-13 – Sexual Health presentation sessions for students
April 14 – Good Friday