Posted: March 11, 2018
- Any new students to the school, including Kindergarten students and including younger siblings, must be registered by Noon on April 4 in order to be guaranteed a spot in their neighbourhood school. If you, or a neighbour, is going to be coming here in September, we need your registrations before Spring Break. Likewise, if you are moving schools, which makes us sad, this applies to your potential new school if it is in Langley. Please spread the word!
- I have had several questions recently about setting up the School Cash Online payment system.
It is separate from Myeducation BC (see below). To set up School Cash Online, go to the site, and click ‘Sign In’ in the top right. Then choose ‘Register’ at the bottom of the menu that pops up. Once you have set up a username and password (picky requirements that you have to meet for it to work), you select our school and ‘claim’ your kids. To connect to your own children, you need their legal name, birthdate (use the calendar picker, rather than typing it in) and their Pupil number. Pupil Numbers were on personalized letters that came home for the black & pink shirt orders; they can also be provided by the office. Once you’ve connected to the kids, you’ll get emails for any relevant purchasable items for them. If you want to see the original instruction letter, it’s here (without student-specific details).
- The report cards were published Friday afternoon. You each have a login on the MyeducationBC system that will let you view the report card (and when they hit high school, attendance, grades, course selections) for your children. While we are working out a few opening-year glitches, the system does work. Please contact Mr. Oliver if you are having difficulties. Teachers put in many hours preparing the reports, and they provide important information about your child’s learning, even if you keep up with things on a day-to-day basis. Please read the reports and confirm that you have by emailing the teachers.
- Parent Teacher Interviews are on March 14 and 15. Please expect a message on Monday or Tuesday via email about appointment booking. We look forward to seeing you and your child on one of those days. If you haven’t booked, please do so at the booking page.
PAC Happenings
Hot Lunch ordering is currently open on Munchalunch for the final term. Ordering closes March 16. Don’t miss out!
Hot Cross Buns orders (via Munchalunch last week) are to be delivered this Thursday. Mmmm.
Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- It’s that time of year when I remind everyone this:
I am so grateful that at our school, I don’t hear the R-word used often (but I don’t never hear it, either). Sadly, if I count, I’d guess that in the past 10 years, I’ve heard it more times from adults than from students, so there’s still work to do. You and your children can take the pledge not to use the R-Word here.
- This one was shared by one of our grade 7 parents: How to stop a bully in one minute. Flat.
- Here are some things to do over Spring Break, per Vancouver’s Best Places (website).
Calendar of Events
- Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball Game at WLE
- Interviews- students dismsised at 1:30
- Hot Cross Buns orders delivered.
- Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:30
- HotLunch Orders for term 3 close
- Last day before Spring Break
- April 4 – School reopens