Posted: June 5, 2016
Our intrepid grade 7s and their teachers set off for camp this morning, with what looked like equal parts excitement and nervousness. We look froward to hearing about their adventures when they return on Wednesday.
Congratulations to Vince and Josh for organizing a team for the annual Run, Walk & Roll for our kids. They both ran solid 5k races, and contributed to a great cause.
The detailed school calendar for next year is available here.
So, late in the week, I got wind of another special week. The week that just ended was also Safe Kids Week. While the special week is over, it certainly isn’t too late to remind everyone that preventable accidents kill more kids in Canada than any illness, with 1 child dying every 9 hours. Here are some resources that came from the organizers.
- Concussion Awareness & Prevention
- Preventing Childhood Burns Injury
- Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Preventing children from Choking
- Before leaving medication where a child can reach it, have a word with yourself
- Before leaving your child unattended, have a word with yourself
- You’re Probably Not Expecting a Child to Run Out On the Road
Sports Day is Friday of this week. A package of info went home with students on Friday, but just in case the backpack ate it (or the dog) here’s a digital copy. Family Pack – Sports Day 2016
Please remember that helmets are mandatory for participation in the wheels parade at the start of the day!
PAC Happenings
Wednesday after school the PAC will be selling kernels popcorn and cotton candy for $2 at the front of the school.
Our staff appreciation lunch is next friday June 17th. If you would like to help by supplying a food dish, please contact Candice at
Items we are looking for:
Cold appetizers
Hot appetizers
Main dishes
The PAC wants to hear from you! Please take a couple of minutes to complete this survey.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I came across this article on the overuse of exclamation points! There’s no doubt! Guilty!
- And reading that got me thinking about ellipses… so… I looked that up. Actually, if I use the vernacular of the tech-y kids, I ‘searched it up.’ The result was the same. Again… guilty. I did learn a keyboard shortcut to get a single character for them, though. Time will tell if I can restrain and retrain myself.
Calendar of Events
- Grade 7s away at camp.
- Grade 7s away at camp.
- Grades 7s return from camp.
- Music Sharing Assembly (K-6) in the round.
- Reconciliation Plaque assembly moved to June 21.
- Division 7 Food Celebration lunch
- Staff Group Photo at Lunch. Hopefully outside…. I’d like to ask for the playground, but the kids will be on it! Will advise!
- Sports Day setup after school (grade 7 helpers)
- Sports Day all day
- Hot Lunch (pizza)
- Concession open for parents all morning.
- June 13 – Grade 7s to waterslides
- June 15 – Band Sharing Assembly
- June 16 – Langley Book of the Year luncheon
- June 17 – Staff Appreciation Lunch from PAC
- June 21 – National Aboriginal Day. Reconciliation Plaque Dedication Assembly 1:00.
- June 22 – Beach and Pool field trips, Gym closed for decorating
- June 23 – Grade 7 Farewell
- June 29 – Last day of school for the year! Students dismissed at 11:26