This Week at WLE – June 4, 2017

Posted: June 3, 2017


  •  This edition of TWAWLE comes to you a day early, as Mr. Oliver will be joining the grade 7 class at their annual Camp Jubilee excursion this year.

  •  We will be distributing final report cards electronically this year (though we’ll have paper as a back up this time). Watch for a how-to screencast coming soon! You will also receive an email from the Student Information System with your password for accessing the Family Portal, which is where the reports will be published. It’s pretty slick, let me tell you.
  • And in more exciting next-year news, watch for School Cash Online to be live at WLE next year too. You’ll be able to pay for field trips, supplies and the like online, rather than sending baggies of toonies in your child’s lunch! I’ve been on it as a parent myself this year, and I love it!
  • Sports Day is coming up on June 16. Watch for details here, and coming home on paper. Students will have the option of participating in the annual wheels (bikes work best) parade around the school grounds that morning. Get ready to decorate that ride!


PAC Happenings

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Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Last week, I sent out a video that talks about winning strategies for Rock Paper Scissors. I also found this one that poses a tricky riddle and then explains the solution. It hooks back to last week’s wonder of mine about how a game goes when all players know what the other players know, and how they’re likely to behave.

  • I found this great article on Using Creativity to Boost Young Children’s Mathematical Thinking. Since we have a math goal at WLE, I thought it would be good to share it with families and with staff. It’s tough getting people away from the idea that the most important thing in learning math is the answer, ’cause it’s not. Part of the article is directed mostly towards teachers, and the last part is specifically for parents.
  • Is screen time an issue for you or your kids? Here’s some advice on setting boundaries for ourselves as adults that will help us set them for our kids. Lots of them are easier said than done, without a specific plan to stick to.

Calendar of Events


  • Grade 7s leave for camp. Meet at the school 7:30 am.


  • Grade 7 Camp


  • Grade 7 Camp


  • Grade 7 Campers return 1:00 or so.
  • Treat Day @recess



  • Grade 7s to Cultus Lake Waterslides.


  • Sports Day – June 16
  • Grade 7 Farewell ceremony – June 21
  • Primary Beach Field Trip – June 27
  • Last Day of School – June 29. Students dismissed at 11:50

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556