This Week at WLE – June 3, 2018

Posted: June 3, 2018


  • For parents of grade 7s in particular (but maybe of interest to parents of 5s or 6s: 

Dear Incoming Grade 8 Parents of Walnut Grove Secondary,

On behalf of TogetherNOW we would like to extend a warm welcome to you all as your children enter our powerful and amazing school. TogetherNOW is a parent-initiated group that started two years ago as a proactive group to discuss and address issues of substance use within our school community.  Our mission is as follows: Community coming together to prevent and minimize the damage from substance use and addiction.  We have received some questions from parents of incoming Grade 8 students about substance use within our community and we want to provide you with the best information possible.   

On Monday, June 4, 2018, TogetherNOW is hosting a mini workshop for parents and caregivers of students entering Grade 8 in the WGSS Library from 7-8 PM. There will be presentations from WGSS staff about what programs and resources are being offered to students and families to address substance use.  We will get a chance to hear from other parents about what to expect as your teen transitions from elementary school to WGSS.  Finally, you will have a chance to meet other adults whose children are entering WGSS this September. 

Please RSVP for this workshop by visiting and registering.

We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Kids in the Grove – Daycare has a New Summer Program at our Topham Location! Daycare and Preschool for ages 2-5 years!! School Age Summer Program 5-12 Yrs operating out of West Langley Location!

 PAC Happenings


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be on Tuesday, June 19 @ 6 pm.

If you only make it to one meeting all year, we need you at this one. Why? The AGM is when we vote to approve changes for the next school year. Don’t worry, no one will coerce you into committing to anything if you show up 😉 We just need you there to help with the vote. Two important items are:

  1. Next year’s executive. We are fortunate to have a small group of parents that are willing to hold executive positions, but we need enough parents in attendance to approve the vote.
  2. Constitution changes. We are proposing some updates that will allow us to have more flexibility to schedule PAC meetings (i.e. half will be during the day time!). This will also enable us to include a couple ‘extra’ positions in the executive that will help the group over the course of the year.

Childminding is provided at no charge, and little ones are always welcome to sit with you if you prefer.


The cat up the tree was ‘Storm’, an older housecat that escaped from his home nearby. He was reunited with his family of 6 on Saturday morning; they were very thankful to everyone that helped him.

Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Ah, the conundrum of screen time for kids. This article claims to help us figure out how to balance screen time with other activities we know are essential for kid (or adult, frankly) health. The link to the Evidence Energizer provided some useful elaborations on the content of the initial post.
  • Part of our curriculum are the Core Competencies. These are the broad, curriculum-independent skills we aim to develop in all students. What are they? How can you get your kids talking about them? The link takes you to a document of information and conversation starters for families. Just remember that the core competencies are not things we teach or assess directly; rather, they are what we look to build in students through what we teach, and through the educational experiences we offer.
  • What happens in your kids’ brains when you read them a story? Is there a ‘best way’? Check this out to know the answers….

Calendar of Events


  • Grade 7 Camp


  • Grade 7 Camp


  • Grade 7s return from camp
  • Treat Day


  • Fire Safety House – No Parking in front of gym spaces



June 13 – PAC staff appreciation lunch (library)

June 15 – Sports Day

June 19 – PAC AGM. Be there! 6pm in the library.

June 20 – Grade 7 Farewell

June 24-27 – Sean away. Dawn Driver (VP Dorothy Peacock) replacing.

June 26 – Beach Field Trip (primary) and Pool Field Trip (grades 4-6)

June 28 – last day of school – final assembly

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556