This Week at WLE – June 19, 2016

Posted: June 19, 2016


Thank you, parents, for the wonderful lunch on Friday. Everything was delicious! We all left happy and full, and it was soooo nice getting up Friday morning knowing that we didn’t have to make lunch!

Happy Father’s Day! We hope all the dads in the WLE community have a great day today.

The detailed school calendar for next year is available here.

Summer School registration is still open at for students interested in extending their learning. Remember, there is no cost to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents. If your child works with an SEA, though, the registration deadline is June 30 so that appropriate staffing can be determined and put in place in time for the start of classes.

The Langley Ukulele Ensemble have a summer camp experience available. Lots of WLE kids caught on well to the uke this year in music. Why not take it up a notch?

Students going into Grades 4 through 7 during the 2016/17 school-year (born between 2004 – 2007) are invited to attend this camp that teaches students to learn to play the ukulele and sing. The regular cost for the weeklong camp is $75, but an early-bird rate of $65 is available for those registering before July 1st.

The camp takes place at Belmont Elementary School (20390 40th Ave. in Brookswood) daily from August 15th – 19th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Qualified teachers from of the Langley School District and The Langley Ukulele Association provide instruction. Participants who do not own a ukulele may either purchase or rent from the LUA and a T-Shirt and daily snacks are provided at no additional cost.

There will be a performance for parents on Friday, August 19th @ 7:00 p.m. and at the end of camp students may have the opportunity to participate in the Langley Ukulele Association’s after school ensemble program.

For additional information or to register please contact camp co-ordinator, Elizabeth Zielke by email at or by phoning (604) 340- UKES (8537).

Visit our website

On June 21 and 22, the Township of Langley Fire Department have open houses running in the evenings. What a great opportunity for kids to see what it’s like inside the community’s fire halls.

Tuesday, June 21, 6:30 to 8:00pm at:

·       Hall 3 (Aldergrove): 26316 – 30A Avenue

·       Hall 5 (Brookswood): 20355 – 32 Avenue

·       Hall 6 (Murrayville): 22170 – 50 Avenue

·       Hall 7 (Otter): 3876 – 248 Street

Wednesday, June 22, 6:30 to 8:00pm at:

·       Hall 2 (Fort Langley): 23137 – 96 Avenue

·       Hall 4 (Willoughby): 20253 – 72 Avenue

·       Hall 8 (Walnut Grove): 9580 – 208 Street

PAC Happenings

What’s happening this week with PAC?

This week the PAC is selling Panago Pizza Vouchers for $10 each. Whether you are planning a birthday party, having a sport wrap up party or just like pizza, these vouchers are handy to have and a great deal. Order forms are available in the office and are due by Friday June 24th.

Friday June 24th will also be a special PAC treat day after school. We have extras from hot lunch that we will be selling for $1.00 each.

Chips, bear paws, cotton candy, drinks and more. Come to the front of the school Friday afternoon and treat yourself!!!

Tuesday June 21st is our last PAC meeting for the school year. Join us to discuss what happened over this last year and what is to come for the next. Meeting starts at 6pm in the library and child minding is always available. 

Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

Something to remember in the summer when we tend to drift out of our routines. And maybe we should remember it in winter, too, when ‘busy’ so often replaces ‘healthy.’ Children need activity and sleep….

This gives me hope. I don’t have to be good at art to benefit from doing it!

In honour of Father’s Day, an oldie but a goodie.

Calendar of Events

Monday 20th

  • Extreme Air Park – Divisions 6 & 10

Tuesday 21st

  • National Aboriginal Day
  • PAC Meeting – 6pm in the library

Wednesday 22nd

  • Beach and Pool field trips for grades K-6
  • Grade 7 Farewell rehearsal
  • Gym closed for decorating

Thursday 23rd

  • Divisions 4 & 8 Buddy Picnic
  • Grade 7 Farewell – 6:30 pm

Friday 24th


Monday 27th


Tuesday 28th

  • Kindergarten Completion Ceremony – 1:30

Wednesday 29th

  • June 29 – Last day of school for the year! Year-end assembly, Report Cards distributed and students dismissed at 11:26


School office closes July 7 at 3:00 pm. We reopen the office August 29 at 8:30


West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556