Posted: June 18, 2017
- Happy Father’s Day, to all the Dads, Step-Dad, Papas, Granddads, Uncles and even older brothers who guide and nurture kids every day.
It was a great Sports Day Friday. I want to thank all the staff, parents, and students who volunteered their time and effort to make it a great day for all! Since the Lion was sleeping Friday instead of ROARing, here’s a little slideshow of what went down:
- We will be distributing final report cards electronically this year, as well as on paper. Watch for a how-to screencast coming soon!
- Here are a few community events that might be of interest. The Fire Hall Open Houses are this week! The other two are Summer Reading Clubs at the Langley Libraries. Click on each poster for a full picture!

PAC Happenings
We are down to the last 2 weeks of school.
Join us Tuesday night at 6pm in the library for our last PAC meeting of the school year. Child minding is available.
Wednesday you don’t need to make lunches. The hot lunch ladies will be serving up hotdogs. Extras will be for sale in the PAC Room at lunch.
Cobs, Cobs, Cobs!!! Thank you to everyone who continues to support our “dough raiser” at the Cobs in Walnut Grove. Our little school is literally off the chart with how well we are doing. Get your fresh baked goods for the week and help show your support for West Langley Elementary.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Have you heard someone talk about being ‘addicted’ to their phone, a video game, or cycling? This is a little primer on ‘process addictions,’ and how significant some of our behaviours and choices can be.
- Sometimes parents ask me if ‘this is normal’ with regard to their pre-teens and teens. While I’m no expert, I firmly believe that almost all the things about teens that can drive parents bonkers are, indeed, normal. This article does a nice job of encapsulating some of the neruoscience that shows us what we can expect from teens. It doesn’t offer advice for ‘fixing’ some of the behaviours, since ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’
Calendar of Events
- Grade 7 Farewell SETUP after school in the gym.
- Grade 7 Farewell SETUP after school in the gym.
- PAC Meeting – 6:00 in the library.
- Hot-diggity-dog, it’s Hot Lunch Day. On the menu: frankfurters!
- Grade 7 Farewell – 6:00 in the gym.
- Division 11 Farewell – after lunch in the library
- Beach & Pool Field Trips – June 27
- Last day of school & Report Cards – June 29
- Students dismissed at 11:50
- Admin Day – June 30
- Office open
- Students do not attend