Posted: June 10, 2018
Did you know we have a magician in our community? One of our parents, Edward the Magician, just won the FVMC Children’s Entertainer of the Year award today! Congratulations, Edward. And if you’re interested in a fun family outing, he has another show coming up at the Inlet Theatre in Port Moody on June 22.

Sports Day is this Friday! The Wheels Parade will kick off our day; don’t forget to decorate up that ride, and don’t forget to bring your helmet. It’s disappointing to arrive and be told you can’t ride because you forgot it, but that’s exactly what you’ll be told. Even parents, as it’s critical to set a good example at a big event like this. There’s also a Hot Lunch available. Pizza is available for pre-order through Munchalunch, and drinks & other treats will be available for cash sale on Friday. To order on Munchalunch, click the Fundraising Open link beside ‘Order Lunch!’ Thanks for supporting our grade 6s as they begin their fundraising campaign for next year’s Camp Jubilee trip.
Click the posters below for more details about a couple of community events you might find interesting!

Report Cards will be published on June 28 in the afternoon. Access will be through myEducationBC, as it has been this year. Please check your login sometime over the coming week or two, as the support team will be very busy after the publishing of the reports, but they’ve got some time to spare right now, and are responding to requests daily. If you’ve forgotten your password, but have logged in before, you can reset it yourself. If you’ve forgotten it and have never logged in before, Mr. Oliver can send it to you; just send an email. Click the poster at right for a larger version with some helpful reminders and instructions.
Brace yourselves! Mr. Oliver’s summer homework list is under construction, and will have some new challenges for you. The goal is to inspire fun, family-oriented learning time that won’t break the bank!
PAC Happenings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be on Tuesday, June 19 @ 6 pm.
If you only make it to one meeting all year, we need you at this one. Why? The AGM is when we vote to approve changes for the next school year. Don’t worry, no one will coerce you into committing to anything if you show up 😉 We just need you there to help with the vote. Two important items are:
- Next year’s executive. We are fortunate to have a small group of parents that are willing to hold executive positions, but we need enough parents in attendance to approve the vote.
- Constitution changes. We are proposing some updates that will allow us to have more flexibility to schedule PAC meetings (i.e. half will be during the day time!). This will also enable us to include a couple ‘extra’ positions in the executive that will help the group over the course of the year.
Childminding is provided at no charge, and little ones are always welcome to sit with you if you prefer.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- We’re all going to tell you to keep your kids reading over the summer. My kids’ teachers are going to tell me the same thing. Here are 10 totally fun ways to keep your kids’ summer reading in swing.
- I found this article interesting, and a bit intimidating. The bit on homework I though was really good. The Key to Raising a Healthy Child.
Calendar of Events
- PAC Staff Appreciation Lunch – Library
- Sports Day
June 18-22 – Grade 5 Swim Program
Tuesday June 19 – PAC AGM. Be there! 6pm in the library.
Wednesday June 20 – Grade 7 Farewell
June 22 – WGSS Grad Walk – see all the WLE kids who are graduating from WGSS parade the halls where they first started.
Tuesday June 26 – Beach Field Trip (primary) and Pool Field Trip (grades 4-6)
June 28 – last day of school – final assembly, Report Cards Published