This Week at WLE – January 8, 2017

Posted: January 8, 2017


  • There will be Early Dismissal (1:15) on Monday this week.
  • If there is heavy snow tonight, I sure wouldn’t turn away shovelling helpers in the morning! 🙂
  • Do you have a 4-year old? It’s nearly time to register for Kindergarten. K registration opens on January 16 this year. Please register right away, as knowing our numbers for next year makes a big difference to how well we can plan for the coming school year. Information can be found here or at the bottom of this page.
  • The Langley School District are beginning a consultation process around Middle School implementation in the Walnut Grove region. These changes could impact the younger students in our school. This letter went out, inviting parents to be a part of the process.


  • Langley Parents as Partners are presenting a program for parents of tweens and their kids. Click the banner below for full details:Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 11.03.05 AM
  • Young Rembrandts are running another after-school set of art classes for students in grades 1-5. Details can be found here.
  • Basketball is coming. There will be open gym/practice times for both boys (Tuesday) and girls (Wednesday) this week. Team makeup is still depending on firming up numbers. Best guess is a grade 6 boys, grade 7 boys, and 67 girls team.

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 11.15.36 AMClick for information. Information in English.

PAC Happenings

West Langley PAC Facebook Page

Stay up to date and informed on upcoming events, treat days, hot lunches and what the PAC is up to at the school. Like our “West Langley PAC” Facebook page for an easy way to receive the latest and greatest PAC info.

Treat Day

Wednesday January 11th is Cobs Treat day. All Treats will be delivered to classrooms at recess. Extra items will be for sale in the PAC room.

Raising Dough!

Have you been to Cobs lately? Next time you stop in to Cobs in Walnut Grove to stock up on fresh baked breads, scones, cinnamon buns, croissants and other delicious items, make sure you mention West Langley Elementary to help keep us in the lead. 5% of your purchase comes back to the school.

Quote of the Week


Interesting Reading & Viewing

How do we help kids develop Number Sense? Why should we?

For a bit of scary, what does your web browser know about you right now?

Digital technology has benefits, but it also seems smart to put some limits around kids’ use of it. This article discusses the balancing act.

Calendar of Events


  • Early Dismissal – Collaboration Day – Students dismissed at 1:15 pm


  • Boys’ basketball after school until 4:00


  • Treat Day – Cobs at recess
  • Girls’ basketball after school until 4:00


  • Aboriginal Storytelling Presentation – 9:00 in gym
  • Grade 4/5 Jigging lessons (afternoon)


Beyond a bit…

Jan 16 – Assembly – Iskwew Singers

The salmon are coming! The salmon are coming!


Kindergarten Registration opens Monday, January 16.

All children who will be five years old by December 31, 2017 (children born in 2012) are eligible for the Kindergarten program beginning September 5, 2017.  Registrations received after March 31, 2017 will be considered late.  Late registration may affect placement in your catchment school due to space limitations.

The following documents are required at the time of registration:

  • Proof of Age (Birth Certificate).
  • Proof of Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status must be provided for the parent (Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card, Canadian Passport, Landed Immigrant documentation, Permanent Resident documentation/cards)
  • Proof of residence (Driver’s License, utility bill or Lease/Rental Agreement).

For more information and registration times please contact the school.

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556