This Week at WLE – January 28, 2018

Posted: January 28, 2018


  • Grade 7s and parents, mark your calendars for February 1 from 6:30 to 8:30. That’s the Walnut Grove Secondary Open House for you to see the school, meet some staff, and start to get excited about that next step on your learning journey. Even if you have older siblings telling you all about it, it’s great to get in there and see what’s new for yourself. Click on the big text at the left for the whole picture! And take note: this poster was designed by Shane H, one of our last-year grade 7s in his computer class this year at WGSS!
  • This Thursday from 5:45-6:45 is Ready, Set, Learn in our library. This is a free program for 3- and 4-year olds and their parents with the theme of Movement, Music & Me. Register (required) at the school office by end of Monday to avoid program cancellation. Snacks provided.
  • Jump Rope for Heart! is underway. Fundraising envelopes came home on Friday, and we have 2 weeks to hit our school goal of $3000 raised for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Successful fundraisers win prizes, with extra prizes going to those who do some or all of their fundraising online. 
  • Congratulations to Tyler Renwick for identifying the Lewis Carroll poetry reference in Friday evening’s email, and thanks for responding. Your prize is on its way with one of your kids.
  • Basketball is on now! Students on our basketball teams have one more week of practices before the season begins. Thanks to Ms. Edlund, Ms. van den Boogaard, and Mr. Oliver who will each be coaching a team.
  • Pink Shirt Day comes up at the end of February. It will be a part of Langley’s ‘Respect &Diversity Week’. Our school is going to take a different tack on Pink Shirt Day, though, with these shirts intended to help us remember that we’re all in this together! Our plan is to sell them at $10 each, and to handle the payment as our first-even online purchase at the school. Watch for a separate, specific email coming out later this week. In order to purchase, you will have to sign on to School Cash Online. The setup instructions and the child-specific information you need to sign up should have come home on Thursday or Friday (on paper), and orders are due Monday by 9 pm.
  • The West Langley PAC is pleased to present 2 very important courses for our kids. 
    Stay Safe Home Alone (for grade 3 and up)
    Babysitter Course (for grade 5 and up)
    These courses will be offered at West Langley on the professional development day, Friday February 23rd. 
    For more information please contact Sunita at

 PAC Happenings


Bring the family and join us for a games at a movie at West Langley. This is for kids and adults, to enjoy family time and have fun with the school community. Based on feedback from previous years, we have moved this event away from the Family Day long weekend.

Advance tickets available until Thursday.

$10/family for admission + Popcorn


Feb 15 – District PAC Meeting, 7pm

Feb 20 – West Langley PAC Meeting, 6pm

Feb 23 – Babysitting Course (during pro-d day)

Feb 23 – Stay Home Alone Safe Course (during pro-d day)

Mar 9 – Middle School Meeting, 9am @ West Langley Library.

Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • Since we’re starting the Jump Rope for Heart build-up, I thought you might find this interesting. I certainly did. It’s part of a new TED series on facebook called ‘Small Things, Big Ideas.’ The video is called ‘How the Jump Rope Got Its Rhythm’ by ethnomusicologist Kyra Gaunt. Would you believe hip-hop owes jump-rope a debt?
  • There’s lots of talk about screen time. How about Creativity Time?
  • This one is a long read, and covers lots of topics about letting kids figure things out on their own that I’ve shared about before, but I think it does a great job of encapsulating the value of encouraging independence in kids. It also explores how/when/why we may have gotten where we seem to be as a society. The Fragile Generation.

Calendar of Events


  • ‘We’re all in the same pride’ Shirt orders due. Order here.
  • Grade 7 Boys’ Basketball Practice 2:45-3:45


  • Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Practice 2:45-3:45.


  • Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball Practice 2:45-3:45


  • Ready, Set, Learn – 5:45 in the library.
  • WGSS Open House for grade 7s and parents – 6:30 pm


  • Grade 6/7 Boys’ basketball scrimmage.
  • Family Fun Night – 5:30


Feb 6 – Michael Bartoloto visit for students

Feb 7 – Students dismissed at 1:15

Feb 9 – Go Canada! Day – wear Canada gear.

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556