Posted: January 27, 2019
Parents of grade 7 students, mark your calendars. This Thursday, January 31, is the Open House at WGSS for parents and students who will be starting grade 8 in September.
- The basketball season officially starts this week. Our grade 6 boys will play Tuesdays, and the 7 boys and all girls will play on Wednesdays. If you’re around the school after 3, drop by the gym to see the excitement.
- The PAC Family Fun Night is next Friday (8th February) from 5-8:30. You can register/purchase tickets via munchalunch.
- On Friday, the Grade 7s will be hosting another movie afternoon fundraiser. Tickets are $5 and get your child admission, a drink, and a snack. Additional snacks & drinks will be available for $1 each. We’ll be seeing Paddington Bear.
- It’s Jump Rope for Heart season, where, for the 25th year in a row, WLE will be fundraising for the
Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation. Our kickoff assembly is this Thursday afternoon, and we are launching one part of our fundraising drive on Monday. Students from the WE Day group will come to each class selling $2 Hearts. The hearts will be used to draw three lucky donors to do the
classic ‘pie in the face’ gag on a grade 7 student. Each heart purchased represents one chance to make a grade 7 gross, and helps the cause. Hearts will also be displayed to help us judge our level of success. Information on individual student fundraising will come home Friday. All participating students are encouraged to use the online fundraising system. There are, of course, prizes for successful fundraising effots. - From Kids in the Grove:
- We hope that families of students in grades K-6 got the ski passes that Sasquatch Mountain sent. If you did, and you’re confident you WON’T use it, please consider sending it back to the school, and we’ll pass it on to a family who will be skiing/boarding.
- On Saturday, February 9 there will be a parent social at Jimy Mac’s supporting the grade 7 Camp program. For tickets & details, contact the office or your favourite grade 7! Your $20 ticket gets you admission, beverage, and a burger and fries. Have a great night and support a great experience for our grade 7s.
What are you doing on the evening of March 1? You should be coming to the Vancouver Giants game in support of our grade 7s going to Camp Jubilee. If we can sell 100 tickets, Mr. Masigan and Mr. Oliver will apparently get the honour of participating in a (slightly intimidating and probably-silly) race on the ice during an intermission. Tickets are School Cash Online. $22 per person, for a fun family evening and in support of a great experience for West Langley students.
- Langley School District Kindergarten Registration Opened Monday, January 21, 2019
All children who will be five years old by December 31, 2019 (children born in 2014) are eligible for the Kindergarten program beginning September 3, 2019.Registration opens Monday, January 21, 2019 and will be open until noon Monday, April 1, 2019. All registration takes place at neighbourhood schools and is not available at the School Board Office. Registration is not available during spring break (March 18 to March 29). The following documents are required at the time of registration:
- Student Proof of Age (Birth Certificate or Passport).
- Parents Proof of Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status (Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card, Canadian Passport, Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS/Status Card), Permanent Resident card, Refugee documents from Immigration Canada), and
- Parents Proof of residence (BC Driver’s License, utility bill or Mortgage Papers, Property Tax Notice, Subject-free purchase agreement (move in date within 6 months)).
- If able, please bring your vaccination records (optional).
PAC Information
Sign up online through munchalunch (click the “fundraising” tab). Paper forms were sent home as well. Price is $10 for the whole family and includes full access to the games and movies, and a bag of popcorn.
Donation Requests:
New or gently used family games, that will be used as prizes for our Family Night event. If you have games that your children have outgrown, we would love to have them! Puzzles, movie passes, iTunes gift cards, microwave popcorn, etc. etc. would also be welcome.
And if you are creative and crafty, we are brainstorming ideas for giant-sized games to play at the event. Twister, perhaps? Checkers…? We’d love hear from you if you could make something!
The PAC is also looking to set up a beverage cart so we can serve coffee and tea at PAC meetings.
Do you have an older (but still functional) Keurig you could donate? Or perhaps a coffee/tea cart? Thanks!
Saleema Noon Body Science: Parent presentation. Feb 11 @ 6:30 pm
PAC General meeting: Feb 12, 9 to 10 am
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Ms Swenson shared this one with me – Cultivating Empathy in my Children, From a Neuroscience Perspective. It also has links at the bottom to three other interesting articles.
- And this article delves pretty thoroughly into the differences between digital reading (whether on a popular media site or something like Epic! Books on a tablet or phone) and reading a physical book. It’ quite interesting and well-balanced. I can even feel some of the phenomena the author talks about when I read on different media myself. Digital Text is Changing How Kids Read – Just Not in the Way You Think.
Calendar of Events
Monday January 28
- Ready, Set, Learn – 1:30 in the library with Mrs. Yates, our fantastic StrongStart Coordinator.
- Grade 67 Boys’ Basketball practice 2:45-4:00
Tuesday January 29
- Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball Game – 3pm at Gordon Greenwood
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Practice – 2:35-4:00
Wednesday January 30
- Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza
- Grade 7 Boys’ Basketball Game – 3pm at home
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Game – 3pm at Gordon Greenwood
Thursday January 31
- Grade 67 Boys’ Basketball Practice – 7:30 am
- Jump Rope for Heart kickoff assembly – 1pm
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball practice 2:45 – 4:00
- Grade 7 parent/student open house at WGSS – 6:30 pm
Friday February 1
- Movie afternoon – 2:30 in the gym. $5 for admission & snack.
- Feb 6 – Uzume Taiko assembly (morning), early dismissal for collaboration
- Feb 8 – PAC Family Fun Night
- Feb 11 – Saleema Noon Sexual Health Presentation for interested parents. 6pm in the library.
- Feb 15 – Pro-D Day