Posted: February 5, 2017
- There will be an Outdoor Education program in Langley next year, for students in grades K-2. Note that the parent evenings are the ONLY way to sign up for that program for the coming year.

- There are two events upcoming that might be of interest to you. Click on the banner for detailed information.

- The Lower Mainland Green Team are running 3 invasive plant removal sessions at James Anderson Park (by Walmart) in the spring. Details can be found here.
On Friday, February 17, there will be an Aboriginal Family Gathering on the topic of Healthy Balance at HD Stafford Middle School from 5-8 pm. Click here for more details.
PAC Happenings
Wednesday February 8th is Little Caesars Crazy Bread treat day. Snacks will be delivered to classes at recess.
Our Family Movie Night flyer should have gone home with every student last week. Make sure you join us Friday February 17th for the evening and spend some family time together, all while helping support West Langley. Our friends at Remax, The Reimer Group, are helping to support us with this event. Admission is by donation and there will be a cash concession.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Family Math Night!?!?! Even Mr. Oliver didn’t think of that, and he loves math!
- I’m not sure about ‘crisis’ but this article brings together Jessica Lahey (I’ve sent you her work before) and Julie Lythcott-Haims who wrote How to Raise an Adult. While we certainly don’t face some of the challenges they identify, some of what they wrote was interesting as I look at course selections with my son for grade 10. I have trouble seeing the point where he should have guidance rather than self-determining on important decisions.
Calendar of Events
- School Closed – Snow Day
- Lots of snow. Drive & walk carefully.
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball game at James Kennedy
- Girls’ basketball practice after school ’till 4.
- Crazy Bread Treat Day (recess)
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball game @home vs. Gordon Greenwood
- Girls’ basketball game at Dorothy Peacock (drivers meet at front doors at 2:30 please.
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- Langley Ukulele Ensemble concert 1:45.
- WGSS admin & counsellor visit to grade 7s
Beyond a bit…
- Family Day holiday – Feb 13
- Half Day for students – February 20
- Professional Development Day – February 24
- Report Cards March 2