Posted: February 3, 2019
- It is expected to be cold (a lot) and snowy (a bit) tomorrow. The walks have been salted and the driveways should be done before anyone arrives tomorrow. That said, please travel extra carefully tomorrow, and make sure your children are dressed for cold outside times. If we can go out in the rain at 3 degrees, we can be out in the sun at -6 degrees, so it I expect it to be an outside day.
Body Science Boot Camp for Parents
Thanks to the WLE PAC for supporting this great opportunity for our kids. We are delighted to have teachers from the Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators joining us on February 11 (for parents) and February 19 and 22 (for students). They have consistently provided us with thorough, appropriate and informmative teaching about sexual health. Here’s what to expect when you come on February 11:
Parenthood never arrives with a rulebook, and when it comes to explaining the world of sexual health to your child, it can be hard not to end up a bright shade of red. Using humor and straight talk in an open, interactive environment, Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators will show you how easy it is to convey healthy, positive messages about sexual health to kids.
In this workshop parents will learn:
• Why we need to talk to children about sexual health at a young age
• How to reduce risk of child sexual abuse
• What children should know at each stage of development, with specific examples of how to explain concepts and processes
• How to become their kids’ preferred source of sexual health information
• How to normalize open, honest sexual health conversations in their family
• How to effectively answer even the toughest questions kids ask
• What will be covered in Body Science workshops for students
The PAC Family Fun Night is this Friday (8th February) from 5-8:30. You can register/purchase tickets via munchalunch. Don’t miss out!
- We have a Kinderstarts event this Tuesday from 1:00-2:30 in the Strong Start room. If you have a child starting Kindergarten in September, this is for you. There is another in the early evening on May 8 if you can’t make this one. Register by calling the office.
- From Kids in the Grove:
- This Saturday, February 9 there will be a parent social at Jimy Mac’s supporting the grade 7 Camp program. For tickets & details, contact the office or your favourite grade 7! Your $20 ticket gets you admission, beverage, and a burger and fries. Have a great night and support a great experience for our grade 7s.
- What are you doing on the evening of March 1? You should be coming to the Vancouver Giants game in support of our grade 7s going to Camp Jubilee. If we can sell 100 tickets, Mr. Masigan and Mr. Oliver will apparently get the honour of participating in a (slightly intimidating and probably-silly) race on the ice during an intermission. Tickets are School Cash Online. $22 per person, for a fun family evening and in support of a great experience for West Langley students.
PAC Information
Family Fun Night – Friday
Early bird tickets are available until Wednesday. Purchase online (Munchalunch) or send money with your child. Tickets purchased early include free popcorn and entry into the door prize for free blue tooth speakers.
Doors open @ 5
Check out this month’s PAC Newsletter, too!
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- So the clickbait twitter headline that put me at this TEDx Talk was ‘Here’s what happens to your brain when you play football.’ I was hoping to learn about the spatial reasoning and new neural pathways formed by running, throwing, catching all at once. The talk is not really about that at all, but rather is about concussions and their prevention. I watched it anyway, and was surprised to learn things about bike (and football, etc) helmets that I did not know before. It’s worth a watch (for the grown-ups), as the science is fascinating and informative. Note: My kids and I will still ride bikes.
- I don’t know that there’s any ‘hard’ science supporting this, but it does work for me, so my confirmation bias says it must be true. Improve a Bad Mood By Going Outside For 5 Minutes. This is a concept that makes our school’s courtyards even more valuable.
Calendar of Events
Monday February 4
- Grade 67 Boys’ Basketball practice 2:45-4:00
Tuesday February 5
- WGSS Counsellor Visit to Grade 7s (morning)
- Kinderstarts 1:00-2:30 – Strong Start Room
- Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball Game @ Dorothy Peacock
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Practice – 2:45-3:30
Wednesday February 6
- Uzume Taiko – 9am – parents welcome
- Collaboration Afternoon – Students dismissed at 1:15
Thursday February 7
- Grade 67 Boys’ Basketball Practice – 7:30 am
Friday February 8
- PAC Family Fun Night 5:00-8:30
- Feb 11 – Saleema Noon Sexual Health Presentation for interested parents. 6pm in the library.
- Feb 15 – Pro-D Day
- Feb 18 – Family Day Holiday